A lei 13.146/15 e a nova sistemática de proteção aos incapazes
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Oliveira, Matheus Pessoa de
Calhao, Antônio Ernani Pedroso
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A pesquisa que se desenvolve na presente monografia tem como objeto de estudo a Lei 13.146/15, sobretudo no que tange o sistema de proteção aos incapazes, que sofreu diversas alterações em decorrência da promulgação da referida lei. A análise foi realizada em caráter bibliográfico, legal e jurisprudencial, a fim de ser comparada a legislação pertinente aos institutos da Tutela, Curatela e a Tomada de Decisão Apoiada e suas aplicações antes e depois da promulgação da referida lei, para discutir se, de fato as alterações conferiram maior grau de autonomia às pessoas portadoras de deficiência. Em conclusão, mediante principalmente da análise dos julgados colacionados ao presente estudo, verifica-se que há uma mudança significativa quanto ao procedimento de interdição, que previamente à instituição da Lei de Inclusão da Pessoa com Deficiência (LBI), concedia sistematicamente a curatela em caráter integral, o que não ocorre atualmente, sendo este procedimento submetido à análise de equipe multidisciplinar que atesta a real potencialidade do indivíduo a cada caso concreto. Outrossim, relativamente à aplicação material da Tomada de Decisão Apoiada, constata-se que não ocorre, por falta de maior ingerência dos operadores e conhecedores do direito em informar e sugerir aos pleiteantes, a depender do caso, a utilização deste instituto.
The research developed in this monograph has as its object Law 13,146 / 15, especially regarding the system for the protection of the disabled, which has undergone several changes as a result of the promulgation of said law. The analysis was carried out in a bibliographic, legal and jurisprudential character, in order to compare the pertinent legislation to the institutes of the Guardianship, Trusteeship and Supported Decision-Making and its applications before and after the promulgation of said law, to discuss if, in fact the changes gave a greater degree of autonomy to the disabled. In conclusion, based mainly on the analysis of the judgments related to the present study, it is verified that there is a significant change regarding the procedure of interdiction, that prior to the institution of the Law of Inclusion of the Person with Disability (LBI), integral, which does not occur at present, being this procedure submitted to the analysis of multidisciplinary team that attests the real potentiality of the individual in each concrete case. In addition, regarding the material application of the Supported Decision-Making, it is noted that it does not occur, due to the lack of greater interference of the operators and the knowledge of the right to inform and to suggest to the petitioners, depending on the case, the use of this institute.
The research developed in this monograph has as its object Law 13,146 / 15, especially regarding the system for the protection of the disabled, which has undergone several changes as a result of the promulgation of said law. The analysis was carried out in a bibliographic, legal and jurisprudential character, in order to compare the pertinent legislation to the institutes of the Guardianship, Trusteeship and Supported Decision-Making and its applications before and after the promulgation of said law, to discuss if, in fact the changes gave a greater degree of autonomy to the disabled. In conclusion, based mainly on the analysis of the judgments related to the present study, it is verified that there is a significant change regarding the procedure of interdiction, that prior to the institution of the Law of Inclusion of the Person with Disability (LBI), integral, which does not occur at present, being this procedure submitted to the analysis of multidisciplinary team that attests the real potentiality of the individual in each concrete case. In addition, regarding the material application of the Supported Decision-Making, it is noted that it does not occur, due to the lack of greater interference of the operators and the knowledge of the right to inform and to suggest to the petitioners, depending on the case, the use of this institute.
capacidade civil , interdição , curatela , tomada de decisão apoiada , civil capacity , interdition , trusteeship , supported decision-making