Janela da Zaki: relatório de realização de uma reportagem transmídia sobre o conjunto habitacional cingapura Zaki Narchi
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Carvalho, Mariana Lima de
Paiero, Denise
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Esta pesquisa, concentrada no jornalismo transmídia, digital, periférico e literário dá
base a um produto transmidiático que mergulha na realidade do Conjunto Habitacional
Cingapura Zaki Narchi, localizado na Zona Norte de São Paulo. Criado na década de
90, o Projeto Cingapura tem por objetivo garantir moradia digna a paulistanos, sem
tirá-los do local em que já estão fixados, o primeiro deles a nascer foi a Zaki Narchi e,
desde então, fica à margem da sociedade. Para tal, surge o Janela da Zaki, com o
objetivo de dar visibilidade para histórias de vida habitam a Zaki. O produto escolhido
tem caráter transmidiático por fazer uma fusão de formatos, que garantem ao leitor
um passeio desconstruído e leve por dentro do Conjunto Habitacional. Como base,
foram feitas pesquisas sobre jornalismo digital, literário, periférico por meio de autores
como Pollyana Ferrari, Felipe Pena, Cremilda Medina, Raquel Rolnik e Mara Rovida
This research, focused on transmedia, digital, peripheral and literary journalism gets base to a transmedia product that dives into the reality of the Cingapura Zaki Narchi Housing Complex, located in the North Zone of São Paulo. Created in the 90's, the Cingapura Project aims to guarantee decent housing for São Paulo residents, without taking them out of the place where they are already settled, the first of them to be born was Zaki Narchi, that, since then, it has been on the margins of society. To this end, Janela da Zaki was created, with the aim of giving visibility to the life stories that inhabit Zaki. The chosen product is a transmedia for making a fusion of formats, which guarantee the reader a deconstructed and light tour inside the Housing Complex. As a basis, research was carried out on digital, literary and peripheral journalism through authors such as Pollyana Ferrari, Felipe Pena, Cremilda Medina, Raquel Rolnik and Mara Rovida.
This research, focused on transmedia, digital, peripheral and literary journalism gets base to a transmedia product that dives into the reality of the Cingapura Zaki Narchi Housing Complex, located in the North Zone of São Paulo. Created in the 90's, the Cingapura Project aims to guarantee decent housing for São Paulo residents, without taking them out of the place where they are already settled, the first of them to be born was Zaki Narchi, that, since then, it has been on the margins of society. To this end, Janela da Zaki was created, with the aim of giving visibility to the life stories that inhabit Zaki. The chosen product is a transmedia for making a fusion of formats, which guarantee the reader a deconstructed and light tour inside the Housing Complex. As a basis, research was carried out on digital, literary and peripheral journalism through authors such as Pollyana Ferrari, Felipe Pena, Cremilda Medina, Raquel Rolnik and Mara Rovida.
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jornalismo , transmídia , periferia , Zaki Narchi , cingapura , journalism , transmedia , periphery , Zaki Narchi , cingapura