A indissociabilidade entre o acesso ao saneamento básico e a dignidade da pessoa humana: os desafios da saúde pública no Brasil
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Grangeiro, Alef dos Santos
Calhao, Antônio Ernani Pedroso
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Falar em direitos humanos, no mundo contemporâneo, supõe enfrentar desafios com diversas questões, sendo uma delas o acesso ao saneamento básico, haja vista a insofismável relação do tema com assuntos tais como prevenção de doenças, impacto ambiental e aumento da qualidade de vida.
Atualmente, em todo o mundo, aproximadamente 3 em cada 10 pessoas, não têm acesso a água potável, o equivalente a um total de 2,1 bilhões de seres humanos, outrossim, 6 em cada 10, aproximadamente 4,5 bilhões, sequer dispõem de acesso ao saneamento básico, de acordo com a Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) e o Fundo das Nações Unidas para a Infância (UNICEF)1.
O Brasil, que será objeto do nosso estudo, ocupa a 112º colocação em um ranking2 de saneamento no qual há 200 países. A nosso ver, por si só, estes dados já demonstram a importância da temática e, também o quanto ainda podemos realizar quando se fala em saneamento.
Feitas tais considerações, de acordo com o Manual de Saneamento3 do Ministério da Saúde, saneamento:
“é o conjunto de ações socioeconômicas que têm por objetivo alcançar níveis de Salubridade Ambiental, por meio de abastecimento de água potável, coleta e disposição sanitária de resíduos sólidos, líquidos e gasosos, promoção da disciplina sanitária de uso do solo, drenagem urbana, controle de doenças transmissíveis e demais serviços e obras especializadas, com a finalidade de proteger e melhorar as condições de vida urbana e rural”.
Isto posto, este trabalho tem por escopo definir a íntima relação existente entre o saneamento básico, a saúde pública, e, por fim, a dignidade da pessoa humana. Para tanto, iremos discorrer quanto a evolução histórica do saneamento básico, principalmente no Brasil, a fim de melhor compreendermos a hodierna situação. Além do mais, pretendemos avaliar a proporção inversa entre o nível socioeconômico de cada região do país e o respectivo acesso ao saneamento.
Ulteriormente, a pesquisa irá se cingir quanto a relação direta entre a falta de saneamento com o total de internações no país, e, com isso, compreenderemos a importância de medidas preventivas eficientes e universais. Por fim, analisaremos quais são os principais óbices enfrentados pelo Estado brasileiro para universalização do acesso ao saneamento e quais medidas alternativas podem ser aplicadas.
À vista disso, a razão do presente estudo consiste em advertir a intrínseca indissociabilidade entre o acesso ao saneamento básico e a dignidade da pessoa humana, mas, não somente, pois, a nosso ver, é imperioso refletir sobre como enfrentar essa situação no hoje e com isso escrevermos um novo futuro. Portanto, faz-se imperioso realizarmos planejamentos capazes de influenciar todos os fatores determinantes de nosso amanhã.
Speaking about human rights in the contemporary world means facing challenges with several issues, one of them being access to basic sanitation, due to the unmistakable relation of the theme to issues such as disease prevention, environmental impact and quality of life. Around the world, approximately 3 out of 10 people do not have access to drinking water, equivalent to a total of 2.1 billion human beings, or 6 out of 10, approximately 4.5 billion. access to basic sanitation, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). Brazil, which will be the object of our study, occupies the 112th place in a ranking of sanitation in which there are 200 countries. In our opinion, these data already demonstrate the importance of the subject and also how much we can still do when talking about sanitation. Having made such considerations, according to the Sanitation Manual of the Ministry of Health, sanitation: "Is the set of socioeconomic actions that aim to achieve levels of Environmental Health by supplying drinking water, collection and sanitary disposal of solid, liquid and gaseous wastes, promotion of sanitary discipline of land use, urban drainage, control communicable diseases and other specialized services and works, in order to protect and improve urban and rural living conditions”. Therefore, the purpose of this work is to define the close relationship between basic sanitation, public health, and, finally, the dignity of the human person. To do so, we will discuss the historical evolution of basic sanitation, especially in Brazil, in order to better understand the current situation. Furthermore, we intend to evaluate the inverse proportion between the socioeconomic level of each region of the country and the respective access to sanitation. Subsequently, the research will focus on the direct relationship between lack of sanitation and total hospitalizations in the country, and with this, we will understand the importance of effective and universal preventive measures. Finally, we will analyze which are the main obstacles faced by the Brazilian State for universal access to sanitation and what alternative measures can be applied. In view of this, the reason for the present study is to warn of the intrinsic inseparability between access to basic sanitation and the dignity of the human person, but not only because, in our view, it is imperative to reflect on how to face this situation today and with that we write a new future. Therefore, it is imperative to make plans that can influence all the determining factors of our tomorrow.
Speaking about human rights in the contemporary world means facing challenges with several issues, one of them being access to basic sanitation, due to the unmistakable relation of the theme to issues such as disease prevention, environmental impact and quality of life. Around the world, approximately 3 out of 10 people do not have access to drinking water, equivalent to a total of 2.1 billion human beings, or 6 out of 10, approximately 4.5 billion. access to basic sanitation, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). Brazil, which will be the object of our study, occupies the 112th place in a ranking of sanitation in which there are 200 countries. In our opinion, these data already demonstrate the importance of the subject and also how much we can still do when talking about sanitation. Having made such considerations, according to the Sanitation Manual of the Ministry of Health, sanitation: "Is the set of socioeconomic actions that aim to achieve levels of Environmental Health by supplying drinking water, collection and sanitary disposal of solid, liquid and gaseous wastes, promotion of sanitary discipline of land use, urban drainage, control communicable diseases and other specialized services and works, in order to protect and improve urban and rural living conditions”. Therefore, the purpose of this work is to define the close relationship between basic sanitation, public health, and, finally, the dignity of the human person. To do so, we will discuss the historical evolution of basic sanitation, especially in Brazil, in order to better understand the current situation. Furthermore, we intend to evaluate the inverse proportion between the socioeconomic level of each region of the country and the respective access to sanitation. Subsequently, the research will focus on the direct relationship between lack of sanitation and total hospitalizations in the country, and with this, we will understand the importance of effective and universal preventive measures. Finally, we will analyze which are the main obstacles faced by the Brazilian State for universal access to sanitation and what alternative measures can be applied. In view of this, the reason for the present study is to warn of the intrinsic inseparability between access to basic sanitation and the dignity of the human person, but not only because, in our view, it is imperative to reflect on how to face this situation today and with that we write a new future. Therefore, it is imperative to make plans that can influence all the determining factors of our tomorrow.
direitos humanos , meio ambiente , dignidade da pessoa humana , human rights , environment , dignity of human person