A questão da violência de gênero no conto “Gesso”, de Jarid Arraes
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Silva, Laura Carvalho da
Machado, Alleid Ribeiro
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O presente trabalho analisa a violência de gênero por meio do conto “Gesso”, que compõe a obra de Jarid Arraes, Redemoinho em dia quente (2017). A investigação se baseia principalmente na personagem principal, Doralice, explorando como sua história reflete as diversas manifestações da violência, que vão além das agressões físicas. A intenção é verificar também o impacto psicológico e cultural, evidenciando como a obra dialoga com essas questões. Assim, a metodologia da pesquisa é de caráter qualitativo, com o intuito de compreender o que é violência e suas formas multifacetadas, recorremos a autores como Veena Das (2020) e Manuel Castells (2018). Além disso, como se trata de uma obra escrita por mulher, foram consultados autores como Maria do Rosário Alves Pereira e Aline Alves Arruda (2021), a fim de discutir a temática na autoria feminina brasileira. O objetivo principal desta pesquisa é examinar a violência contra a mulher na narrativa e observar as questões de protagonismo e subalternidade, proposta por Spivak (2010). O corpus de análise desta pesquisa, assim, será composto por textos que, segundo a hipótese deste trabalho, permitirá aprofundar a manifestações da violência, considerando nuances emocionais e culturais presentes na narrativa. Este estudo busca uma compreensão aprofundada das manifestações da violência de gênero, considerando diferentes dimensões da narrativa e ampliando o diálogo sobre o protagonismo e subalternidade da personagem Doralice.
The present study analyzes gender-based violence through the short story "Gesso," part of Jarid Arraes' work "Redemoinho em dia quente" (2017). The research is primarily based on the main character, Doralice, exploring how her story reflects various manifestations of violence beyond physical aggression. The intention is to examine the psychological and cultural impact, highlighting how the work engages with these issues. Therefore, the research methodology is qualitative, aiming to comprehend the multifaceted nature of violence. Authors such as Veena Das (2020) and Manuel Castells (2018) are consulted for theoretical insights. Additionally, given the female authorship, works by Maria do Rosário Alves Pereira and Aline Alves Arruda (2021) are consulted to discuss the theme in Brazilian female authorship. The main objective is to examine violence against women in the narrative and observe issues of protagonism and subalternity, as proposed by Spivak (2010). The corpus of this research analysis will be composed of texts that, according to the hypothesis of this study, will deepen the manifestations of violence, considering emotional and cultural nuances present in the narrative. This study seeks an in-depth understanding of gender-based violence, considering different dimensions of the narrative, and expanding the discourse on the protagonism and subalternity of the character Doralice.
The present study analyzes gender-based violence through the short story "Gesso," part of Jarid Arraes' work "Redemoinho em dia quente" (2017). The research is primarily based on the main character, Doralice, exploring how her story reflects various manifestations of violence beyond physical aggression. The intention is to examine the psychological and cultural impact, highlighting how the work engages with these issues. Therefore, the research methodology is qualitative, aiming to comprehend the multifaceted nature of violence. Authors such as Veena Das (2020) and Manuel Castells (2018) are consulted for theoretical insights. Additionally, given the female authorship, works by Maria do Rosário Alves Pereira and Aline Alves Arruda (2021) are consulted to discuss the theme in Brazilian female authorship. The main objective is to examine violence against women in the narrative and observe issues of protagonism and subalternity, as proposed by Spivak (2010). The corpus of this research analysis will be composed of texts that, according to the hypothesis of this study, will deepen the manifestations of violence, considering emotional and cultural nuances present in the narrative. This study seeks an in-depth understanding of gender-based violence, considering different dimensions of the narrative, and expanding the discourse on the protagonism and subalternity of the character Doralice.
Trabalho aprovado com o conceito EXCELENTE.
violência de gênero , mulher , Jarid Arraes , literatura feminina