A violação das normas legais e contratuais nos estágios de direito: meios de proteção do caráter pedagógico-educacional da atividade
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Braz, Maria Franzon
Rodrigues, Ivandick Cruzelles
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O presente artigo pretende analisar as normas que regem os estágios de direito, sua formação histórica, características e previsões. Será analisado como foco principal o objetivo educacional do estágio, e os métodos que a Lei 11.788/2008 traz para garantir essa característica, a qual diferencia o estágio de uma relação de emprego, por meio de análise das normas, bem como por estudos doutrinários e jurisprudenciais. Para tanto, será discorrida sobre a relação jurídica do estágio e sua formação triangular entre concedente, estudante e instituição de ensino. Também serão aludidas as normas que regem os estágios de direito, Estatuto da OAB e Código de Ética, suas concessões, suas delimitações e sua aplicabilidade. Em seguida, será exposto, por meio de casos concretos e pesquisas cientificas, o descumprimento às normas, que tem relação com a percepção do estágio como trabalho, deixando de priorizar seu caráter educacional. Serão, então, trazidas hipóteses para o desrespeito sistêmico das normas, relacionando principalmente à falta de fiscalização pelas instituições de ensino, que deveriam garantir primazia do caráter educacional do estágio, por meio das fiscalizações previstas em lei. Concluir-se-á o artigo reiterando a importância do estágio para a formação de profissionais, seja pela educação prática como para inserção no mercado de trabalho, porém, ressaltando a posição de respeito às normas e ao objetivo educacional, sem o qual não há estágio.
This article aims to analyze the regulations governing law internships, their historical development, characteristics, and predictions. The main focus will be on the educational objective of the internship and the methods introduced by Law 11.788/2008 to ensure this characteristic, which distinguishes the internship from an employment relationship. To do so, it will discuss the legal relationship of the internship and its triangular formation among the granting entity, the student, and the educational institution. It will also elaborate on the regulations governing law student´s internships, the OAB Statute, and the Code of Ethics, including their concessions, limitations, and applicability. Furthermore, it will address instances of non-compliance with these regulations, which are related to perceiving the internship as work and neglecting its educational nature. Hypotheses for systemic non-compliance with the regulations will be presented, primarily linking them to the lack of oversight by educational institutions, which should ensure the primacy of the educational nature of internships through legally mandated inspections. The article will conclude by reiterating the importance of internships for professional development, whether through practical education or entry into the job market. However, it will emphasize the need for respect for regulations and the educational objective, without which an internship cannot exist.
This article aims to analyze the regulations governing law internships, their historical development, characteristics, and predictions. The main focus will be on the educational objective of the internship and the methods introduced by Law 11.788/2008 to ensure this characteristic, which distinguishes the internship from an employment relationship. To do so, it will discuss the legal relationship of the internship and its triangular formation among the granting entity, the student, and the educational institution. It will also elaborate on the regulations governing law student´s internships, the OAB Statute, and the Code of Ethics, including their concessions, limitations, and applicability. Furthermore, it will address instances of non-compliance with these regulations, which are related to perceiving the internship as work and neglecting its educational nature. Hypotheses for systemic non-compliance with the regulations will be presented, primarily linking them to the lack of oversight by educational institutions, which should ensure the primacy of the educational nature of internships through legally mandated inspections. The article will conclude by reiterating the importance of internships for professional development, whether through practical education or entry into the job market. However, it will emphasize the need for respect for regulations and the educational objective, without which an internship cannot exist.
lei 11.788/2008 , estágio de direito , fiscalização , natureza educacional , law 11.788/2008 , internship , law students , internship