Slam resistência e as microterritorializações urbanas
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Dias, Raíssa de Araujo
Guatelli, Igor
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Kato, Volia Regina Costa
Queiroga, Eugênio Fernandes
Queiroga, Eugênio Fernandes
Arquitetura e Urbanismo
This paper aims to expose and discuss one of the many forms of marginal expression existing in cities, seeking a possible intersection between such forms of artistic expression and the emergence of other or new territorialities in the public space. Starting from the marginal expressions born in the American hip-hop movement of the 70's and in Brazil in the 80's, also inspiration in other diverse manifestations and international and national artistic movements, such as installations, happenings and performances, it is sought apprehend and reflect on another urban ethos brought about by an art that combines lyrical and revolt by manifesting itself in some squares and buildings of the city treated here as "intermediate spaces". In this work, this other territoriality (or an intermediate space between the extensive public space and the private space) will be considered a fertile place for freedom of expression, suggesting the appropriation and free creation of its users, impelling the emergence of small "others spaces "that happen from the use, a" spontaneous architecture "of the space generated from the understanding of these processes of appropriation of the cities by the marginal and contestatory languages present in the collective Slams where poets read or recite a poetry of their own in a performative way, in form of battle - in the city of São Paulo. It starts from a discussion for the construction of a cartography of the contestatory action of the subject in the city, its expression and that other space produced as input for a reflection on the public space in the contemporaneity. It is hoped that at the end of the work, it is possible to qualify even as a concept, what would be an architecture sensitive to such urban ethos.
cidade , espaço , Slam , território
Assuntos Scopus
DIAS, Raíssa de Araujo. Slam resistência e as microterritorializações urbanas. 2019. 57 f. Dissertação ( Arquitetura e Urbanismo) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo .