Incidência do IOF em contratos de adiantamento para futuro aumento de capital (AFAC) na jurisprudência administrativa do conselho administrativo de recursos fiscais (CARF)
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Sartori, Isabella Regina
Takano, Caio Augusto
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Membros da banca
Em razão da similaridade existente entre os contratos de AFAC e operações de mútuo, as quais estão sujeitas ao imposto sobre operações financeiras, na modalidade “crédito” (“IOF-Crédito”), e considerando a inexistência de expressa previsão legal acerca da definição e do correto tratamento contábil a ser conferido ao AFAC, os participantes do mercado passaram a discutir, perante as autoridades brasileiras, as diferenças existentes entre operações de mútuos e AFACs, visando ao desenquadramento dos AFACs da hipótese de incidência do IOF-Crédito. Nesse contexto, o presente artigo busca levantar os critérios adotados pelo Conselho Administrativo de Recursos Fiscais para que haja ou não a possibilidade de incidência do Imposto sobre Operações Financeiras (“IOF”) sob contratos de adiantamento para futuro aumento de capital (“AFAC”). Ademais, para a realização desta pesquisa, foi empregada metodologia baseada em pesquisa bibliográfica, incluindo a consulta de doutrinas de direito tributário, artigos científicos relevantes, e principalmente, a análise da jurisprudência atual do Tribunal Administrativo de Recursos Fiscais.
Due to the similarity between AFACs and loan operations, which are subject to the Tax on Financial Operations in the "credit" mode ("IOF-Credit") and considering the lack of explicit legal provisions regarding the definition and proper accounting treatment to be given to AFACs, market participants began to discuss, before Brazilian authorities, the differences between loan operations and AFACs in order to exclude AFACs from the incidence of IOF-Credit. In this context, this article aims to raise the criteria adopted by the Administrative Council for Tax Appeals regarding the possibility of incidence of the Tax on Financial Operations ("IOF") on contracts for future capital increase ("AFAC"). Moreover, to conduct this research, a methodology based on bibliographic research was employed, including the consultation of tax law doctrines, relevant scientific articles, and mainly the analysis of the current jurisprudence of the Administrative Council for Tax Appeals.
Due to the similarity between AFACs and loan operations, which are subject to the Tax on Financial Operations in the "credit" mode ("IOF-Credit") and considering the lack of explicit legal provisions regarding the definition and proper accounting treatment to be given to AFACs, market participants began to discuss, before Brazilian authorities, the differences between loan operations and AFACs in order to exclude AFACs from the incidence of IOF-Credit. In this context, this article aims to raise the criteria adopted by the Administrative Council for Tax Appeals regarding the possibility of incidence of the Tax on Financial Operations ("IOF") on contracts for future capital increase ("AFAC"). Moreover, to conduct this research, a methodology based on bibliographic research was employed, including the consultation of tax law doctrines, relevant scientific articles, and mainly the analysis of the current jurisprudence of the Administrative Council for Tax Appeals.
adiantamento para futuro de capital , imposto sobre operações financeiras , conselho administrativo de recursos fiscais , advance for capital futures , financial transaction tax , board of tax appeals