Feminicídio: uma análise histórica, cultural e jurídica
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Bortolini, Darah Elis
Zanella, Everton Luiz
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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo principal analisar a Lei nº 13.104 de 09 de março de 2015, que incluiu no crime de homicídio uma qualificadora, tipificada como feminicídio, sob uma perspectiva histórica, cultural e jurídica. Para tanto, utiliza-se a metodologia de análise bibliográfica, documental e legislativa, a fim de trazer as discussões culturais, históricas e jurídicas referentes à introdução da qualificadora do feminicídio no sistema jurídico-penal brasileiro e de outras normas, tanto nacionais, quanto internacionais para o combate à violência contra a mulher. Inicialmente, é abordado a posição e o papel da mulher em sociedade ao longo da história do mundo. Em seguida, é apresentado o conceito de violência e suas formas, com dados que evidenciam que a violência é maior contra as mulheres. Posteriormente, são trazidos marcos normativos nacionais e internacionais de combate à violência de gênero e os direitos conquistados pelas mulheres. Por fim, discorre-se sobre o feminicídio e a sua eficácia como combate à violência contra a mulher.
The main objective of this work is to analyze Law 13.104 of March 9, 2015, which included a qualifier in the crime of homicide, typified as femicide, from a historical, cultural and legal perspective. For this purpose, the methodology of bibliographical, documental and legislative analysis is used, in order to bring cultural, historical and legal discussions regarding the introduction of the qualifier of femicide in the Brazilian legal-penal system and other norms, both national and international. to combat violence against women. Initially, the position and role of women in society throughout world history is addressed. Then, the concept of violence and its forms are presented, with data that show that violence is greater against women. Subsequently, national and international normative frameworks are brought to combat gender violence and the rights won by women. Finally, it discusses femicide and its effectiveness in combating violence against women.
The main objective of this work is to analyze Law 13.104 of March 9, 2015, which included a qualifier in the crime of homicide, typified as femicide, from a historical, cultural and legal perspective. For this purpose, the methodology of bibliographical, documental and legislative analysis is used, in order to bring cultural, historical and legal discussions regarding the introduction of the qualifier of femicide in the Brazilian legal-penal system and other norms, both national and international. to combat violence against women. Initially, the position and role of women in society throughout world history is addressed. Then, the concept of violence and its forms are presented, with data that show that violence is greater against women. Subsequently, national and international normative frameworks are brought to combat gender violence and the rights won by women. Finally, it discusses femicide and its effectiveness in combating violence against women.
violência contra mulher , feminicídio , direito penal , violence against women , femicide , criminal law