Análise da outorga onerosa na área de intervenção urbana do setor central de São Paulo
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Campos, Débora da Silva
Maciel, Vladimir Fernandes
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Neste trabalho, é realizado um estudo sobre o instrumento da Outorga Onerosa do Direito de Construir inserida em um Projeto de Intervenção Urbana. O objetivo consiste em demonstrar as implicações econômicas por trás das alterações de parâmetros da Outorga Onerosa durante o processo de implantação do Projeto de Intervenção Urbana Setor Central de São Paulo. A metodologia adotada consiste em uma análise exploratória, baseada na pesquisa documental das publicações disponíveis no site de monitoramento do projeto e na legislação pertinente. Os resultados esperados abrangem a exposição do interesse e a participação ativa do setor imobiliário, que além deste processo, também pode se beneficiar das estratégias de negócios fundamentadas nesses parâmetros. Em suma, o trabalho busca contribuir para a compreensão das implicações econômicas relacionadas à Outorga Onerosa do Direito de Construir, por trás das entidades interessadas, enfatizando sua importância no Projeto de Intervenção Urbana Setor Central e explorando o desenvolvimento do setor imobiliário nesse processo.
In this work, a study is carried out on the Onerous Grant of the Right to Build instrument inserted in an Urban Intervention Project. The objective is to demonstrate the food consumption behind the changes in the Onerous Grant parameters during the implementation process of the Urban Intervention Project of the Central Sector of São Paulo. The methodology adopted consists of an exploratory analysis, based on documentary research of publications available on the project monitoring website and on the relevant legislation. The expected results include the exposure of interest and the active participation of the real estate sector, which, in addition to being an active participant in this process, can also benefit from business strategies based on these parameters. In short, the work seeks to contribute to the understanding of the motor emotions related to the Onerous Grant of the Right to Build, behind the interested entities, highlighting its importance in the Urban Intervention Project of the Central Sector and exploring the development of the real estate sector in this process.
In this work, a study is carried out on the Onerous Grant of the Right to Build instrument inserted in an Urban Intervention Project. The objective is to demonstrate the food consumption behind the changes in the Onerous Grant parameters during the implementation process of the Urban Intervention Project of the Central Sector of São Paulo. The methodology adopted consists of an exploratory analysis, based on documentary research of publications available on the project monitoring website and on the relevant legislation. The expected results include the exposure of interest and the active participation of the real estate sector, which, in addition to being an active participant in this process, can also benefit from business strategies based on these parameters. In short, the work seeks to contribute to the understanding of the motor emotions related to the Onerous Grant of the Right to Build, behind the interested entities, highlighting its importance in the Urban Intervention Project of the Central Sector and exploring the development of the real estate sector in this process.
outorga , PIU , parâmetros , incentivos , grant , PIU , parameters , incentives