Diretrizes projetuais para o edifício escolar voltado às inteligências múltiplas e às metodologias ativas.
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Squaiella, Roberta Betania Ferreira
Righi, Roberto
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Membros da banca
Florio, Wilson
Perrone, Rafael Antônio Cunha
Martins, Lilian Cassia Bacich
Mazzilli, Clice de Toledo Sanjar
Perrone, Rafael Antônio Cunha
Martins, Lilian Cassia Bacich
Mazzilli, Clice de Toledo Sanjar
Arquitetura e Urbanismo
Education in the 21st century, given the impact of information and communication technologies, causes major changes in the traditional model, widely distributed in the industrial period. The identification of different types of intelligences points to the different needs of the students, that need a personalized training. This new scenario no longer fits the conformation of the traditional school building, which has the teacher as the central figure in the teaching and learning process. Although school architecture is not responsible for the transformation in education, it is identified that the school environment has big potential to create and support new habits for student-centered learning. Starting from the analysis of the potential of the theory of the American psychologist and neurologist, Howard Gardner, for the most current conceptions of teaching and learning, the objective of the thesis is to identify the new configurations of the school building, which will support the development of multiple intelligences (MI) associated with active methodologies. Thus, the project parameters are systematized, and should be identified as project guidelines for future renovations or construction of school buildings. It is concluded that a new configuration of the school environment, with a greater variety of learning environments enhances the development of MI. Such environments should favor the most creative and collaborative pedagogical practices, based on active methodologies. For this, the school building must be considered as a whole, from its access to the environments to more specialized activities. Circulation spaces and informal areas should also be incorporated as learning places. New school building design guidelines are needed so that architects, managers, and other agents involved in new educational building designs can provide environments for performance that are compatible with learning personalization.
diretrizes de projeto , arquitetura escolar , inteligências múltiplas , metodologias ativas , tecnologias da informação e comunicação
Assuntos Scopus
SQUAIELLA, Roberta Betania Ferreira. Diretrizes projetuais para o edifício escolar voltado às inteligências múltiplas e às metodologias ativas. 2020. 287 f. Tese (Arquitetura e Urbanismo) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2020.