Pregação redentiva: o aspecto redentivo como característica essencial da pregação bíblica
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Santos, Eduardo Nunes dos
Cardoso, Dario de Araujo
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Esta monografia se propõe a pesquisar sobre o uso do aspecto redentivo como sendo de caráter essencial para a pregação genuinamente bíblica. Que pregadores devem ser comprometidos em expor todo o conselho de Deus é ponto pacífico para a maioria das igrejas de tradição reformada, contudo, nem sempre o aspecto redentivo da obra de Cristo é evidenciado para em tais pregações e a necessidade de fazê-lo nem sempre é clara a todos. Para analisar esta questão o autor valer de escritores dedicados ao estudo e produção de obras ligadas a pregação, buscando referenciais teóricos que forneçam informações dos que já pesquisam neste tema. Em continuidade a esta pesquisa bibliográfica o articulista deste trabalho monográfico trará um estudo das passagens bíblicas relacionadas à pregação e tratara do aspecto redentivo em textos que conectam os dois temas para investigar seu fundamento Escriturístico. Os benefícios de uma pregação redentiva também são apresentados de modo abrangente cobrindo tanto o próprio pregador, seus ouvintes e toda a sociedade, para finalmente sermos apresentados a uma metodologia sistemática de preparação de pregações redentivas que nos auxilia a praticar a abordagem apresentada neste presente trabalho.
This monograph proposes to research the use of the redemptive aspect as being essential for genuinely biblical preaching. That preachers must be committed to expounding the whole counsel of God is common ground for most churches in the Reformed tradition, however, the redemptive aspect of Christ's work is not always evident in such preaching and the need to do so is not always evident. is clear to everyone. To analyze this issue, the author uses writers dedicated to the study and production of works related to preaching, seeking theoretical references that provide information from those who already research this topic. Continuing this bibliographic research, the author of this monographic work will bring a study of biblical passages related to preaching and will deal with the redemptive aspect in texts that connect the two themes to investigate its Scriptural foundation. The benefits of redemptive preaching are also presented in a comprehensive way covering both the preacher himself, his listeners and the whole society, to finally be presented with a systematic methodology of preparing redemptive preaching that helps us to practice the approach presented in this present work.
This monograph proposes to research the use of the redemptive aspect as being essential for genuinely biblical preaching. That preachers must be committed to expounding the whole counsel of God is common ground for most churches in the Reformed tradition, however, the redemptive aspect of Christ's work is not always evident in such preaching and the need to do so is not always evident. is clear to everyone. To analyze this issue, the author uses writers dedicated to the study and production of works related to preaching, seeking theoretical references that provide information from those who already research this topic. Continuing this bibliographic research, the author of this monographic work will bring a study of biblical passages related to preaching and will deal with the redemptive aspect in texts that connect the two themes to investigate its Scriptural foundation. The benefits of redemptive preaching are also presented in a comprehensive way covering both the preacher himself, his listeners and the whole society, to finally be presented with a systematic methodology of preparing redemptive preaching that helps us to practice the approach presented in this present work.
pregação , redentiva , Cristocêntrico , sermão , escrituras , Preaching , redemptive , Christocentric , sermon , scriptures