Mercado de luxo : fatores determinantes da escolha de automóveis de luxo
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Siqueira, Lívia Rosso
Nunes, Élida Jacomini
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Este trabalho objetivou demonstrar que a decisão de compras está ligada às necessidades assim como fatores motivacionais entre outros. O ponto relevante deste estudo foi demonstrar os fatores determinantes que tem influência direta no processo decisório na compra de automóveis no mercado de luxo e identificar seus principais atributos. A questão relativa ao poder aquisitivo também é bastante relevante quando da escolha do automóvel, pois conforme mostrado no decorrer do trabalho, os valores dos diversos modelos de automóveis comercializados no Brasil diferem bastante. O estudo de mercado realizado neste trabalho se apóia totalmente em dados do mercado de luxo, tendo como objetivo específico demonstrar o mercado de automóveis dentro deste segmento. Desta forma os dados todos referenciados foram colocados na integra com os créditos dados aos autores das pesquisas utilizadas neste estudo mercadológico afim de proporcionar maior viabilidade de resultados.
This study aimed to demonstrate that the decision to purchasing is on the needs as well as factors motivational and others. The relevant point of study was to demonstrate the factors that has direct influence on decision making in purchasing cars in the luxury market and identify your key attributes. The matter relating to income is also very important when choosing the car, because as shown during the labor costs of the various car models sold in Brazil are quite different. The study market investigation in this paper will rely entirely on data from the luxury market, with the specific goal demonstrate the car market within this segment. Thus all the data referenced were placed in its entirety with credit given to authors of marketing surveys used in this study to providing greater availability of results.
This study aimed to demonstrate that the decision to purchasing is on the needs as well as factors motivational and others. The relevant point of study was to demonstrate the factors that has direct influence on decision making in purchasing cars in the luxury market and identify your key attributes. The matter relating to income is also very important when choosing the car, because as shown during the labor costs of the various car models sold in Brazil are quite different. The study market investigation in this paper will rely entirely on data from the luxury market, with the specific goal demonstrate the car market within this segment. Thus all the data referenced were placed in its entirety with credit given to authors of marketing surveys used in this study to providing greater availability of results.
Decisão de compra , Automóveis , Estudo de mercado