Agenda 21 local como instrumento da boa governança: estudo de caso da Estância Turística de Tupã / SP
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Benini, Sandra Medina
Mota, Carlos Guilherme Santos Serôa da
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Abascal, Eunice Helena Sguizzardi
Alvim, Angélica Aparecida Tanus Benatti
Boin, Marcos Norberto
Amador, Maria Betania Moreira
Alvim, Angélica Aparecida Tanus Benatti
Boin, Marcos Norberto
Amador, Maria Betania Moreira
Arquitetura e Urbanismo
This thesis aimed to analyze if Agenda 21 of Estância Turística de Tupã/SP as governance tool, could contribute to improving the environmental quality of the urban space. Concerning that governance means the state's capacity to implement public policies, to meet the social demands pivotally to the Government's decision, through active mechanisms and procedures. Also, that good governance can be assessed by the quality of public services. For the development of this research, it was adopted reference parameters of the governance process, searching for the use of policy instruments such as Agenda 21 and the Plan Director, considering the dialogue of public managers with social characters and the intervention of the public prosecutor. Thus, to assess good governance, planning and management of public green areas were used as a qualitative parameter in Estância Turística de Tupã/SP. As methodological procedure, qualitative research was chosen, in which the empirical construction was bounded by the concrete and historical realities that show the social, technical and policy in public management (period 2001-2016). In conclusion, the present research has found that the process of Agenda 21 adopted in public management between 2005/2008 and 2009/2012, not only subsidized, but also legitimized the implementation of the Master Plan and its possibilities in several actions ensuring effective of good governance.
governança , agenda 21 , plano diretor , qualidade ambiental do espaço urbano
Assuntos Scopus
BENINI, Sandra Medina. Agenda 21 local como instrumento da boa governança: estudo de caso da estância turística de Tupã/SP. 2016. 382 f. Tese ( Arquitetura e Urbanismo) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo .