As candidaturas avulsas como alternativa frente à crise político-partidária brasileira
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Fonseca, Greg Santiago da
Lorencini, Bruno César
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O presente artigo aborda a questão das candidaturas avulsas, que atualmente são
afastadas constitucionalmente do ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, e avalia este instituto como
alternativa diante da atual crise política no país. O trabalho descreverá o histórico de
regulamentação de candidaturas políticas no Brasil desde a independência até os dias atuais,
além de analisar brevemente as disposições da Convenção Americana sobre Direitos Humanos
(Pacto de San José) acerca das candidaturas eleitorais. A atual crise política brasileira será
avaliada sob a perspectiva dos partidos políticos, buscando verificar em que pontos estas
instituições são responsáveis por essa conjuntura. O trabalho analisará, ainda, a regulação de
candidaturas avulsas no sistema legal de outros países e as discussões sobre as candidaturas
avulsas que vêm frequentemente ocorrendo no âmbito do Poder Legislativo, bem como no
Poder Judiciário. Por fim, para chegar à conclusão, o presente artigo analisa, com base em
pesquisa bibliográfica, jurisprudência e opiniões de parlamentares e juristas, os impactos da
admissibilidade das candidaturas avulsas sobre o sistema eleitoral brasileiro e em que medida
este instituto pode ser uma alternativa para a crise política. O estudo se mostra relevante pelas
proporções que o debate das candidaturas avulsas tem tomado, sobretudo pela ação que tramita
no Supremo Tribunal Federal que pode resultar na admissibilidade de candidaturas avulsas.
This article addresses the issue of independent candidacies, which are currently excluded from the Brazilian legal system by Constitutional provision and assesses them as an alternative to the current Brazilian political crisis. The paper will describe the regulatory history of political candidacies in Brazil since the independence to the present day, in addition to briefly analyzing the provisions of the American Convention on Human Rights (Pact of San José) regarding electoral candidacies. The current Brazilian political crisis will be assessed from the perspective of political parties, seeking to check at what points these institutions are responsible for this situation. The work will also analyze the regulation of individual candidacies in other countries’ legal systems and the discussions on independent candidacies that have frequently been taking place within the Legislative Branch and Judiciary Branch. Finally, to reach its conclusion, the present article analyzes, based upon bibliographic research, case law and opinions of members of the parliament and jurists, the impacts of the admissibility of independent candidacies on the Brazilian electoral system and to what extent can this institute be an alternative for the political crisis. The study reveals itself relevant in face of the proportions that the debate of individual candidacies has taken, especially due to the lawsuit currently processed by the Supreme Federal Court that can result in the admissibility of independent candidacies.
This article addresses the issue of independent candidacies, which are currently excluded from the Brazilian legal system by Constitutional provision and assesses them as an alternative to the current Brazilian political crisis. The paper will describe the regulatory history of political candidacies in Brazil since the independence to the present day, in addition to briefly analyzing the provisions of the American Convention on Human Rights (Pact of San José) regarding electoral candidacies. The current Brazilian political crisis will be assessed from the perspective of political parties, seeking to check at what points these institutions are responsible for this situation. The work will also analyze the regulation of individual candidacies in other countries’ legal systems and the discussions on independent candidacies that have frequently been taking place within the Legislative Branch and Judiciary Branch. Finally, to reach its conclusion, the present article analyzes, based upon bibliographic research, case law and opinions of members of the parliament and jurists, the impacts of the admissibility of independent candidacies on the Brazilian electoral system and to what extent can this institute be an alternative for the political crisis. The study reveals itself relevant in face of the proportions that the debate of individual candidacies has taken, especially due to the lawsuit currently processed by the Supreme Federal Court that can result in the admissibility of independent candidacies.
candidaturas avulsas , partidos políticos , constituição federal , democracia , independent candidacies , political parties , federal constitution , democracy