Educação financeira: da relevância a sua ausência na regulação do mercado financeiro brasileiro
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Lippe, Rafael Lutti
Padin, Camila Ferrara
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Membros da banca
O objeto deste trabalho é a educação financeira e sua relação com o sistema regulatório
nacional, considerando tanto a relevância do tema para o crescimento e preparo individual
da população para lidar com os intricados mercados financeiros modernos quanto para o
desenvolvimento nacional efetivo e sustentável da nação frente à economia globalizada.
A partir da análise integrada entre a regulação financeira e as políticas públicas de
educação financeira, desenvolve-se a ideia de que ambos os conceitos se relacionam
intrinsicamente e se encontram no âmbito das estratégias nacionais de educação
financeira, políticas públicas de escala nacional formuladas pela Organização para a
Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Econômico com base nas experiências internacionais
sobre o tema. O Brasil foi um dos primeiros países a adotar uma política pública nacional
nesses moldes, instituindo a Estratégia Nacional de Educação Financeira em 2010, uma
política de Estado perene em nível federal, como meio de coordenar estrategicamente os
esforços públicos e privados pela promoção da educação financeira no país, integrando a
atuação das entidades reguladoras do Sistema Financeiro Nacional com a do setor privado
dentro dessa abrangente política pública. Apesar da formulação da política em linha com
as então editadas melhores práticas internacionais, nos últimos 10 anos desde a instituição
da sua estratégia nacional o Brasil não apresentou grandes melhorias em seu desempenho
nas pesquisas internacionais e nacionais realizadas sobre educação financeira. Este
trabalho busca identificar quais os desafios institucionais enfrentados por essa política
nacional, e em conclusão propor medidas que poderiam ser tomadas para endereçá-las e
assim promover as ações e programas de educação financeira com mais eficiência.
This paper aims at evaluating financial education and its relation to the national regulatory framework, considering the importance of the subject for the development of the individual skills required to effectively deal with today’s overly complex financial markets as well as to the sustainable and effective social economic development in a globalized economy. Analyzing financial regulation and the public policies for financial education, this paper argues that both activities are intrinsically related and need to be developed together on the national strategies for financial education, a model for countrywide public policies drawn up by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development based on the international experiences on the topic. Brazil was one of the first countries to adopt this policy model, implementing the National Strategy for Financial Education on 2010, a permanent federal government public policy designed to strategically coordinate the public and private sectors efforts for financial education, integrating the financial regulators of the National Financial System with the relevant private sector associations together in this comprehensive public policy. Although the National Strategy for Financial Education was implemented following the international best practices on the subject, financial education in Brazil during the last 10 years following the implementation of the national strategy has not increased significantly considering the country’s performance in national and international surveys carried out to measure financial education. This paper aims at identifying what are the institutional challenges faced by this public policy, and in conclusion to proposes measures that could be taken to address them and thus promote financial education policies with more efficiency in Brazil.
This paper aims at evaluating financial education and its relation to the national regulatory framework, considering the importance of the subject for the development of the individual skills required to effectively deal with today’s overly complex financial markets as well as to the sustainable and effective social economic development in a globalized economy. Analyzing financial regulation and the public policies for financial education, this paper argues that both activities are intrinsically related and need to be developed together on the national strategies for financial education, a model for countrywide public policies drawn up by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development based on the international experiences on the topic. Brazil was one of the first countries to adopt this policy model, implementing the National Strategy for Financial Education on 2010, a permanent federal government public policy designed to strategically coordinate the public and private sectors efforts for financial education, integrating the financial regulators of the National Financial System with the relevant private sector associations together in this comprehensive public policy. Although the National Strategy for Financial Education was implemented following the international best practices on the subject, financial education in Brazil during the last 10 years following the implementation of the national strategy has not increased significantly considering the country’s performance in national and international surveys carried out to measure financial education. This paper aims at identifying what are the institutional challenges faced by this public policy, and in conclusion to proposes measures that could be taken to address them and thus promote financial education policies with more efficiency in Brazil.
direito à educação , políticas públicas , educação financeira , right to education , public policies , financial education