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Abrantes, Beatriz Gonçalves de
Souza, Vanderlei Dias de
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Este Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso teve o objetivo de realizar uma análise sobre as Eleições 2018 no Brasil, com ênfase para o marketing político de Jair Bolsonaro e a proporção da noticiabilidade dada a ele pela imprensa. O intuito foi realizar uma análise de como os fatos políticos e sociais sucederam desde 2013, partindo das manifestações e dos escândalos de corrupção que pairaram sobre o governo do Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT), transformando a percepção política do brasileiro. Além disso, foi examinada a nova situação comunicacional com a chegada de novas tecnologias, como as redes sociais, que inovaram as campanhas eleitorais e a tomada de decisão do eleitor. Dessa maneira, o cenário político de 2018 passa a ser enfrentado como um momento único e de transformação de diversos pontos de vista. O documentário produzido para fins de obtenção do título de bacharelado em jornalismo pela Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie analisa este novo contexto e discute, por meio de entrevistas de profissionais políticos e participantes ativos do momento (como jornalistas, eleitores e cientistas políticos) quais foram os fatos comunicacionais que elegeram Jair Bolsonaro.
This Course Conclusion Paper aimed to carry out an analysis of the 2018 Elections in Brazil, emphasizing the political marketing of Jair Bolsonaro and the proportion of the newsworthness paid to him by the press. The main goal was to analyze how the political and social facts have taken place since 2013, begining with protests and corruption scandals which hovered Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT) government, shifting political perception of Brazilian people. In addition, a new communicational situation was examined with the arrival of new technologies, such as social media, which have innovated electoral campaigns and voter’s decision making. In this way, the political scenario of 2018 is seen as a unique moment and a transformer of points of view. The documentary produced with the purpose of obtaining a bachelor's degree in journalism from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie analyzes and argues this new context, by interviewing political professionals and active participants of the moment (like jourrnalists, voters and political scientists), searching communicational facts responsible for Jair Bolsonaro’s election.
This Course Conclusion Paper aimed to carry out an analysis of the 2018 Elections in Brazil, emphasizing the political marketing of Jair Bolsonaro and the proportion of the newsworthness paid to him by the press. The main goal was to analyze how the political and social facts have taken place since 2013, begining with protests and corruption scandals which hovered Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT) government, shifting political perception of Brazilian people. In addition, a new communicational situation was examined with the arrival of new technologies, such as social media, which have innovated electoral campaigns and voter’s decision making. In this way, the political scenario of 2018 is seen as a unique moment and a transformer of points of view. The documentary produced with the purpose of obtaining a bachelor's degree in journalism from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie analyzes and argues this new context, by interviewing political professionals and active participants of the moment (like jourrnalists, voters and political scientists), searching communicational facts responsible for Jair Bolsonaro’s election.
Acesso online
eleições 2018 , Jair Bolsonaro , marketing político , redes sociais , política , jornalismo , 2018’s elections , Jair Bolsonaro , political marketing , social media , politics , journalism