O crescente avanço do ativismo judicial a partir da análise dos mecanismos de controle da administração pública
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Monteiro, Leonardo Castro
Messa, Ana Flávia
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O presente trabalho de conclusão de curso se propõe a analisar os mecanismos de controle da Administração Pública exercidos pelos diferentes Poderes do Estado passando pela análise dos instrumentos que os disciplinam, do entendimento da comunidade jurídica e acadêmica sobre os referidos institutos e dos desdobramentos práticos decorrentes do exercício desses controles. Para isso, o presente trabalho se dispõe a entender o porquê da existência de controles sobre a atividade dos Poderes do Estado a partir da concepção do Estado brasileiro consagrada na Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil de 1988 e da compreensão do sistema de freios e contrapesos que pressupõe controles recíprocos exercidos pelos Poderes estatais, as peculiaridades de cada um desses mecanismos, a realizar um estudo profundo sobre os controles exercidos pelo Judiciário e daqueles exercidos sobre ele e, finalmente, trazer à discussão as principais questões controvertidas sobre o controle do Judiciário.
The present study aims to analyze the control mechanisms of the Public Administration exercised by the different State bodies, passing through an analysis of instruments that discipline them, of the understanding of the legal and academic community about the mentioned institutes and of the practical unfolding controls. In order to do so, the present study purposes to understand the existence of controls over the activity of the State Branches, based on the conception of the Brazilian State enshrined in the Brazilian Federal Constitution and the understanding of the “checks and balances” system, that presupposes reciprocal controls exercised by the State Branches, the peculiarities of each of these mechanisms, to conduct a thorough study on the controls exercised by the Judiciary Branch and those exercised over it, and finally bring to the discussion the main controversial issues on control of the Judiciary Branch.
The present study aims to analyze the control mechanisms of the Public Administration exercised by the different State bodies, passing through an analysis of instruments that discipline them, of the understanding of the legal and academic community about the mentioned institutes and of the practical unfolding controls. In order to do so, the present study purposes to understand the existence of controls over the activity of the State Branches, based on the conception of the Brazilian State enshrined in the Brazilian Federal Constitution and the understanding of the “checks and balances” system, that presupposes reciprocal controls exercised by the State Branches, the peculiarities of each of these mechanisms, to conduct a thorough study on the controls exercised by the Judiciary Branch and those exercised over it, and finally bring to the discussion the main controversial issues on control of the Judiciary Branch.
controles da administração pública , controle de constituicionalidade , sistema de freios e contrapesos , controle da atividade jurisdicional , controls of public administration , constitutional review , checks and balances , control of the judiciary branch