Hoje não mais - histórias de mulheres vítimas de relacionamentos abusivos
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Gandolphi, Isabelle Formigari
Souza, Vanderlei Dias de
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Esse é um documentário que conta a história de mulheres vítimas de
relacionamento abusivo. O produto aborda, de forma poética, o assunto e a
necessidade dele ser discutido nos dias atuais. Com fala de meninas que sofreram
esse tipo de abuso e de uma psicóloga, o tema é exposto de forma clara e direta.
Com base em livros sobre o jornalismo e a construção de um documentário, o
produto foi criado. Utilizando de leis, dados e de uma campanha do Ministério
Público de São Paulo, a teoria do produto mostra a real importância do assunto e
como é realmente presente na vida da maioria das mulheres, sendo a maioria
jovem. Com isso, o documentário tem como objetivo dar a devida relevância ao tema
e voz às vítimas para, dessa forma, atingir os mais diferentes públicos a fim de trazer
à tona um problema que, por muito tempo, era visto como algo normal.
This is a documentary that tells the story of women victims of abusive relationships. The product addresses, in a poetic way, the subject and it’s need to be discussed today. Speaking of girls who suffered this type of abuse and a psychologist, the subject is clearly and directly exposed. Based on books about journalism and the construction of a documentary, the product was created. Using laws, data and a campaign by the Public Prosecutor of São Paulo, the product theory shows the real importance of the subject and how it is really present in the lives of most women, most of them young. With this, the documentary aims to give due relevance to the theme and voice to the victims in order to reach the most different audiences in order to bring up a problem that, for a long time, was seen as something normal.
This is a documentary that tells the story of women victims of abusive relationships. The product addresses, in a poetic way, the subject and it’s need to be discussed today. Speaking of girls who suffered this type of abuse and a psychologist, the subject is clearly and directly exposed. Based on books about journalism and the construction of a documentary, the product was created. Using laws, data and a campaign by the Public Prosecutor of São Paulo, the product theory shows the real importance of the subject and how it is really present in the lives of most women, most of them young. With this, the documentary aims to give due relevance to the theme and voice to the victims in order to reach the most different audiences in order to bring up a problem that, for a long time, was seen as something normal.
Acesso online:
relacionamento abusivo , mulher , feminismo , jornalismo , documentário , abusive relationship , woman , feminism , journalism , documentary