Diplomacia cultural como forma de exercício de poder sobre a perspectiva do Soft Power observando e a necessidade do Ministério da Cultura para Setor Cultural Brasileiro
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Barros, Ana Beatriz Fiorio de
Sgrignolli, Ruth Carolina Rodrigues
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O Brasil, devido ao modo que a sua sociedade foi formada, com pessoas vindas da Europa, trazidas da Ásia e África, possui uma diversidade étnica ampla e com as mais diversas raízes, o que faz com que a cultura brasileira seja complexa e diversa. Entretanto, apesar da diversidade e complexidade a cultura vem sida cada vez mais marginalizada pelo governo, sendo, a mais radical das decisões, a extinção do Ministério da Cultura.
A falta de um órgão governamental específico para a área da cultura causa a desvalorização da arte brasileira por parte da população, pois, onde não há visibilidade não há consumo, e, onde o investimento não é bem direcionado, não há verbas para a realização de projetos culturais. Ademais, a não exploração da arte brasileira de maneira adequada e organizada com o auxilio do governo, torna o setor menos rentável financeiramente para o país, sendo considerada uma oportunidade perdida, visto exemplos mundiais, como a Coreia do Sul e Estados Unidos de que a cultura pode beneficiar todo o sistema financeiro.
Quando falamos sobre a necessidade de um órgão regulador para o setor cultural, é necessário ter em mente que a função deste não é censurar as obras brasileiras de acordo com parâmetros criados pelo órgão, sua função deve ser o auxilio, a promoção, o acesso a cultura para todos além da criação de políticas públicas para incentivar o setor nacional e, posteriormente, internacionalmente sobre os ensinamentos do Soft Power.
Em outras palavras, a função da pasta utilizar a cultura como meio para atrair um público maior ao criar laços com o país, e, sutilmente, aumentar a influência do país no mundo.
Brazil, due to the way its society was formed, with people coming from Europe, brought from Asia and Africa, has a wide ethnic diversity and with the most diverse roots, which makes the Brazilian culture complex and diverse. However, despite the diversity and complexity, culture has been increasingly marginalized by the government, with the most radical decision being the extinction of the Ministry of Culture. The lack of a specific government agency for the area of culture causes the population to devalue Brazilian art, because where there is no visibility, there is no consumption, and where investment is not well targeted, there are no funds to carry out cultural projects. Furthermore, the non-exploitation of Brazilian art in an adequate and organized manner with the help of the government makes the sector less profitable financially for the country, being considered a lost opportunity, seen in world examples such as South Korea and the United States culture can benefit the entire financial system. When we talk about the need for a regulatory body for the cultural sector, it is necessary to bear in mind that its function is not to censor Brazilian works according to parameters created by the body, its function must be to assist, promote, access to culture for all in addition to the creation of public policies to encourage the national sector and, later, internationally on the lessons of Soft Power. In other words, the function of the folder is to use culture as a means to attract a wider audience by creating bonds with the country, and, subtly, increasing the country's influence in the world.
Brazil, due to the way its society was formed, with people coming from Europe, brought from Asia and Africa, has a wide ethnic diversity and with the most diverse roots, which makes the Brazilian culture complex and diverse. However, despite the diversity and complexity, culture has been increasingly marginalized by the government, with the most radical decision being the extinction of the Ministry of Culture. The lack of a specific government agency for the area of culture causes the population to devalue Brazilian art, because where there is no visibility, there is no consumption, and where investment is not well targeted, there are no funds to carry out cultural projects. Furthermore, the non-exploitation of Brazilian art in an adequate and organized manner with the help of the government makes the sector less profitable financially for the country, being considered a lost opportunity, seen in world examples such as South Korea and the United States culture can benefit the entire financial system. When we talk about the need for a regulatory body for the cultural sector, it is necessary to bear in mind that its function is not to censor Brazilian works according to parameters created by the body, its function must be to assist, promote, access to culture for all in addition to the creation of public policies to encourage the national sector and, later, internationally on the lessons of Soft Power. In other words, the function of the folder is to use culture as a means to attract a wider audience by creating bonds with the country, and, subtly, increasing the country's influence in the world.
ministério da cultura , soft power , onda coreana , ministry of culture , korean wave