Histórias escritas: uma web reportagem multimídia sobre escritores independentes nacionais
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Figueiredo, Luana Cunha de
Pinto, Paulo Rodrigo Ranieri Dias Martino
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O projeto “Histórias Escritas” mostra a atuação de escritores independentes nacionais por meio de uma web reportagem, abordando a jornada de escrita, processo de criação, produção, divulgação e distribuição de suas obras. A reportagem ainda faz um panorama do mercado editorial brasileiro, entendendo suas questões e onde os independentes se encaixam. A partir de entrevistas com escritores de diferentes perfis, a narrativa online conseguiu se aproximar do universo da autopublicação com uma abordagem humanizada, compreendendo as dificuldades e alegrias da relação escritor e leitores, e escritor e mercado. Inspirado no modelo Uol Tab, a web reportagem é construída com texto, vídeo, imagem, áudio e ilustrações, e utiliza os depoimentos dos entrevistados como fio condutor.
The “Histórias Escritas” project shows the workings of national independent writers through a web report, addressing their writing journey, the process of creating, producing, disseminating, and distributing their works. The report also provides an overview of the Brazilian publishing market, understanding its issues and where these independent writers fit in. Using interviews with writers of different profiles, the online narrative managed to approach the universe of self-publishing with a humanized approach, understanding the difficulties and joys of the relationship between writer and readers, and writer and market. Inspired by the Uol Tab model, the web report is built with text, video, image, audio and illustrations, as well as testimonies of the interviewees as guidance.
The “Histórias Escritas” project shows the workings of national independent writers through a web report, addressing their writing journey, the process of creating, producing, disseminating, and distributing their works. The report also provides an overview of the Brazilian publishing market, understanding its issues and where these independent writers fit in. Using interviews with writers of different profiles, the online narrative managed to approach the universe of self-publishing with a humanized approach, understanding the difficulties and joys of the relationship between writer and readers, and writer and market. Inspired by the Uol Tab model, the web report is built with text, video, image, audio and illustrations, as well as testimonies of the interviewees as guidance.
Acesso ao produto Online
jornalismo , escritores independentes , web reportagem , Mercado Editorial Nacional , journalism , independent writers , web report , National Editorial Market