Não incidência do imposto de renda na transferência de investimento estrangeiro direto para investimento em portfólio: análise do regime de tributação aplcável ao investidor não residente sob a ótica da lei n° 4.131/1962 e da resolução CMN n° 4.373
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Conceição, Henrique Gonçalves da
Fiorin, Rangel Perrucci
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Membros da banca
Neste trabalho estudamos a tributação da renda auferida por investidores não residentes no Brasil. O recorte específico escolhido foi a exigência de Imposto de Renda sobre o suposto ganho de capital auferido na transferência de investimento registrado na modalidade de Investimento Estrangeiro Direto para a modalidade de Investimento em Portfólio, realizada em decorrência de uma oferta pública inicial de ações (IPO). Para execução do trabalho, empregamos extensa pesquisa doutrinária e legislativa. Identificamos que a problemática se inicia com as exigências feitas pelas Resoluções CMN 3.844 e 4.373 e pela Circular BACEN 3.691/2013. Apresentamos as normas aplicáveis ao ganho de capital auferido por investidores não residentes que detém Investimentos Estrangeiros Diretos ou Investimentos em Portfólio. Demonstramos que a tributação do ganho de capital não pode ocorrer pois não se amolda à hipótese de incidência, não há fato gerador da obrigação tributária, bem como está em desacordo com os princípios da estrita legalidade tributária, da capacidade contributiva e da vedação ao confisco. Analisamos e criticamos as decisões proferidas pelo Conselho Administrativo de Recursos Fiscais e do Tribunal Regional Federal da 3ª Região. Por fim, concluímos que a tributação padece de fundamento legal.
In this study we investigated the levy of income tax for non-resident investors in Brazil. The specific subject elect was the levy of capital gain tax supposedly earned because of the change of the type of investment registered as Foreign Direct Investment to the type registered as Portfolio Investment, carried on because of an Initial Public Offering (IPO). To elaborate this study, we did an extensive research of doctrine and legislation. We identified that the problem initiates with the exigencies made by the CMN Resolutions No. 3,844 and 4,373 and by the BACEN Circular No. 3,691/2013. We present the rules applicable to the capital gain earned by non-resident investors which own Foreign Direct Investments or Portfolio Investments. We demonstrated that the levy of capital gain tax cannot be pursued due to not being in accordance with the law and due to the inexistence of the triggering event for the taxation, moreover, disrespects the principles of strict legality, individual ability to pay and prohibition of confiscatory taxation. We analyzed and criticized the rulings of the Administrative Tax Appeal Council and of the Federal Court of Appeals of the 3rd Region. Finally, we concluded that the taxation lacks legal basis.
In this study we investigated the levy of income tax for non-resident investors in Brazil. The specific subject elect was the levy of capital gain tax supposedly earned because of the change of the type of investment registered as Foreign Direct Investment to the type registered as Portfolio Investment, carried on because of an Initial Public Offering (IPO). To elaborate this study, we did an extensive research of doctrine and legislation. We identified that the problem initiates with the exigencies made by the CMN Resolutions No. 3,844 and 4,373 and by the BACEN Circular No. 3,691/2013. We present the rules applicable to the capital gain earned by non-resident investors which own Foreign Direct Investments or Portfolio Investments. We demonstrated that the levy of capital gain tax cannot be pursued due to not being in accordance with the law and due to the inexistence of the triggering event for the taxation, moreover, disrespects the principles of strict legality, individual ability to pay and prohibition of confiscatory taxation. We analyzed and criticized the rulings of the Administrative Tax Appeal Council and of the Federal Court of Appeals of the 3rd Region. Finally, we concluded that the taxation lacks legal basis.
investimento em portfólio , imposto de renda , investimento estrangeiro direto , foreign direct investment , capital gain tax , change of the type of investment