Trade dress: uma análise das decisões do Tribunal de Justiça do estado de São Paulo nos anos de 2017 e 2018
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Silva, Mariana Leite de Barros da
Marinho, Maria Edelvacy Pinto
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Membros da banca
Identificado como ativo intangível das empresas e instrumento de
marketing definitivo de incentivo ao consumo, o trade dress tem sido alvo de inúmeros
aproveitadores que copiam seus componentes, apropriando-se da identidade visual com a
finalidade de lucrar financeiramente de forma indiscriminada e ilegal. Essa prática
criminosa é comum e não há legislação específica. Logo, importante entender como o
judiciário vem se posicionando nos casos envolvendo conjunto-imagem. Para responder
tal pergunta, o presente artigo visa apresentar os resultados do estudo de decisões de 2017
e 2018 emitidas pelo Tribunal de Justiça de São Paulo. Como resultado, percebeu-se que
o Tribunal é bastante dividido em relação ao reconhecimento ou não da violação do trade
dress das Autoras, tendendo a manter o posicionamento do juiz a quo. E que o
reconhecimento da prática de concorrência desleal e a possibilidade de confusão ou
associação indevida dos consumidores são fatores determinantes para o desfecho da lide,
influenciando diretamente no posicionamento do Tribunal.
Identified as an intangible asset of companies and a definitive marketing tool to encourage consumption, trade dress has been the target of countless profiteers who copy its components, appropriating the visual identity in order to profit financially in an indiscriminate and illegal manner. This criminal practice is common and there is no specific legislation about it. Therefore, it is important to understand how the judiciary system has been deciding cases involving trade dress. To answer this question, this article aims to present the results of the study of the 2017 and 2018 decisions from São Paulo State Court of Appeals. As a result, it was noticed that the Court is quite divided in relation to the recognition or not of the Plaintiffs' trade dress violation, tending to maintain the decisions of the first instance. And that the recognition of the practice of unfair competition and the possibility of confusion or improper association of consumers are determining factors for the outcome of the dispute, directly influencing the Court's decision.
Identified as an intangible asset of companies and a definitive marketing tool to encourage consumption, trade dress has been the target of countless profiteers who copy its components, appropriating the visual identity in order to profit financially in an indiscriminate and illegal manner. This criminal practice is common and there is no specific legislation about it. Therefore, it is important to understand how the judiciary system has been deciding cases involving trade dress. To answer this question, this article aims to present the results of the study of the 2017 and 2018 decisions from São Paulo State Court of Appeals. As a result, it was noticed that the Court is quite divided in relation to the recognition or not of the Plaintiffs' trade dress violation, tending to maintain the decisions of the first instance. And that the recognition of the practice of unfair competition and the possibility of confusion or improper association of consumers are determining factors for the outcome of the dispute, directly influencing the Court's decision.
concorrência desleal , jurisprudência , Tribunal de Justiça de São Paulo , trade dress , unfair competition , jurisprudence , São Paulo State Court of Appeals