A mediação como forma de resolução de conflitos envolvendo marcas
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Esteves, Luísa Velasques
Jorgeti, Lourdes Regina
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Este artigo visa analisar a implementação do procedimento de mediação em conflitos envolvendo marcas, através da análise do procedimento instituído perante o Instituto Nacional de Propriedade Industrial e sua adequação às regras e aos princípios veiculados na Lei de Mediação. Tem como objetivo, ainda, analisar o caso ilustrativo da Apple em face da Gradiente, na tentativa de entender os possíveis pontos que culminaram no fracasso da mediação para solução de tal litígio envolvendo o registro de marcas, a partir de um paralelo com entendimentos doutrinários sobre as ferramentas utilizadas em mediação. Como resultado, verificou-se que, apesar do insucesso da mediação no caso supramencionado, este se deu por conta da utilização inadequada dos mecanismos disponíveis em tal procedimento, sendo entendido que o procedimento de mediação, ainda assim, é extremamente adequado a casos envolvendo marcas.
This article aims to analyze the implementation of the mediation procedure in conflicts involving trademarks, by the analysis of the procedure instituted before the National Institute of Industrial Property and its adequacy to the rules and principles contained in the Mediation Law. It also aims to analyze the illustrative case of Apple against Gradiente, to try to understand the possible points that culminated in the failure of the mediation procedure to solve such litigation involving trademark, from a parallel with doctrinal understandings about the tools used in mediation procedures. As a result, it was found that, despite the failure of the mediation procedure in the mentioned case, it was due to the inadequate use of the mechanisms available in such procedure, being understood that the mediation procedure, even so, is extremely appropriate to cases involving trademarks.
This article aims to analyze the implementation of the mediation procedure in conflicts involving trademarks, by the analysis of the procedure instituted before the National Institute of Industrial Property and its adequacy to the rules and principles contained in the Mediation Law. It also aims to analyze the illustrative case of Apple against Gradiente, to try to understand the possible points that culminated in the failure of the mediation procedure to solve such litigation involving trademark, from a parallel with doctrinal understandings about the tools used in mediation procedures. As a result, it was found that, despite the failure of the mediation procedure in the mentioned case, it was due to the inadequate use of the mechanisms available in such procedure, being understood that the mediation procedure, even so, is extremely appropriate to cases involving trademarks.
mediação , conflitos envolvendo marcas , propriedade intelectual , mediation procedure , trademarks , intellectual property