A crise global dos refugiados e a segurança internacional : a importância de um sistema de governança global
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Santos, Isabela Modenuti
Leão, Márcia Brandão Carneiro
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No final da Primeira Guerra Mundial a sociedade internacional compreendeu a necessidade da criação de um mecanismo que buscasse a preservação paz, assim em 1919 o Tratado de Versalhes inaugura Era da Cooperação com a criação da Liga das Nações, formulando um ambiente de cooperação internacional, que ruiu com o início da Segunda Guerra Mundial. O pós-guerra demonstrou a necessidade de um plano global de direito internacional com a instituição da Organização das Nações Unidas em 1945 possibilitando o surgimento de outras organizações internacionais especializadas. Dentre os objetivos da ONU destaca-se a manutenção da paz e da segurança internacional pelos Estado-membro e não membros. Para a consecução desse e outros objetivos, criou-se o Conselho de Segurança que acompanha situações que possam comprometer a segurança internacional como é o caso da crise dos refugiados. De acordo com o Alto Comissariado das Nações Unidas para os Refugiados em 2021 o número de deslocamento forçado atingiu a marca de 89.318.150, ao passo que cerca de 30 (trinta) anos antes esse número era menos que a metade. A crise dos refugiados cria questões humanitárias e políticas nos Estados que os recebem, pois os Estados anfitriões não têm garantia de assistência ou compromisso da comunidade internacional acerca de recursos financeiros tão necessários à garantia de condições dignas da população refugiada. Situações prolongadas de refúgio geram conflitos contínuos colocando em risco a Segurança Internacional, assim é fundamental a existência mecanismos de Governança Global para essa temática. Governança Global pode ser compreendida como as maneiras pelas quais os indivíduos e as instituições públicas ou privadas administram seus problemas em comum, são padrões de articulação e cooperação internacional entre os atores sociais e políticos e a construção de mecanismos de confiança e de resolução de conflitos de forma pacífica a fim de que resultados eficazes sejam alcançados. Nesse sentido, para a preservação dos direitos e garantias dos refugiados e a manutenção da segurança internacional, se faz necessário um sistema de Governança Global plenamente eficaz.
At the end of World War I, international society understood the need to create a mechanism that sought to preserve peace, so in 1919 the Treaty of Versailles inaugurates the Era of Cooperation with the creation of the League of Nations, formulating an environment of international cooperation, which collapsed with the onset of World War II. The post-war period demonstrated the need for a global plan of international law with the institution of the United Nations in 1945, allowing the emergence of other specialized international organizations. Among the objectives of the UN, the maintenance of peace and international security by member states and non-members stands out. To achieve this and other objectives, the Security Council was created to monitor situations that could compromise international security, such as the refugee crisis. According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in 2021 the number of forced displacement reached the mark of 89,318,150, while about 30 (thirty) years before that number was less than half. The refugee crisis creates humanitarian and political issues in the States that receive them, as the host States have no guarantee of assistance or commitment from the international community regarding financial resources that are so necessary to guarantee dignified conditions for the refugee population. Prolonged situations of refuge generate continuous conflicts, putting International Security at risk, so the existence of Global Governance mechanisms for this issue is fundamental. Global Governance can be understood as the ways in which individuals and public or private institutions manage their problems in common, are patterns of articulation and international cooperation between social and political actors and the construction of mechanisms of trust and resolution of conflicts of peacefully so that effective results are achieved. In this sense, for the preservation of the rights and guarantees of refugees and the maintenance of international security, a fully effective Global Governance system is necessary.
At the end of World War I, international society understood the need to create a mechanism that sought to preserve peace, so in 1919 the Treaty of Versailles inaugurates the Era of Cooperation with the creation of the League of Nations, formulating an environment of international cooperation, which collapsed with the onset of World War II. The post-war period demonstrated the need for a global plan of international law with the institution of the United Nations in 1945, allowing the emergence of other specialized international organizations. Among the objectives of the UN, the maintenance of peace and international security by member states and non-members stands out. To achieve this and other objectives, the Security Council was created to monitor situations that could compromise international security, such as the refugee crisis. According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in 2021 the number of forced displacement reached the mark of 89,318,150, while about 30 (thirty) years before that number was less than half. The refugee crisis creates humanitarian and political issues in the States that receive them, as the host States have no guarantee of assistance or commitment from the international community regarding financial resources that are so necessary to guarantee dignified conditions for the refugee population. Prolonged situations of refuge generate continuous conflicts, putting International Security at risk, so the existence of Global Governance mechanisms for this issue is fundamental. Global Governance can be understood as the ways in which individuals and public or private institutions manage their problems in common, are patterns of articulation and international cooperation between social and political actors and the construction of mechanisms of trust and resolution of conflicts of peacefully so that effective results are achieved. In this sense, for the preservation of the rights and guarantees of refugees and the maintenance of international security, a fully effective Global Governance system is necessary.
refugiados , segurança internacional , Organização das Nações Unidas , governança global , refugees , international security , United Nations Organization , global governance