Projeto inocência: a contribuição do terceiro setor no combate à desigualdade e promoção da cidadania
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Silva, Alisson Daniel Nascimento e
Ferreira, Raphael da Rocha Rodrigues
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O presente estudo de caso buscou promover uma análise empírica a partir do contexto de direitos fundamentais e das desigualdades que se encontram presentes no Brasil, tendo como cenário o surgimento de ONGs (organizações não governamentais). Buscou-se extrair as bases motivacionais desses movimentos a fim de se estabelecer uma conexão do passado com o presente, analisando a participação do terceiro setor no combate às desigualdades. Propôs, ainda, abordar a atuação da Innocence Project Brasil, ONG presente no país desde 2016, com foco na prestação de auxílio jurídico, gratuito, a famílias em situação de vulnerabilidade social que tiveram entes submetidos a processos criminais com insuficiência de conjunto probatório, culminando em condenação ilegal de inocentes. A análise buscou compreender o contexto da criação e atuação dessas organizações, a partir de suas origens, até chegar ao entendimento do objeto de atuação da ONG estudada, as informações que motivaram sua criação, trazendo elementos de análises qualitativas, corroboradas pela exposição dos casos concretos em que houve a revisão e posterior libertação das pessoas das quais prestou assistência.
The present study aims to promote a historical reflection from the context of fundamental rights and the inequalities which are present in Brazil. This historical clipping aims to extract the motivational bases of these movements to establish a connection between the past and the present. Furthermore, an analysis of the performance of the third sector (NGOs) in the fight against inequalities was proposed here to contextualize the field of work of Innocence Project Brazil, an NGO present in the country since 2016, with a focus on providing free legal assistance to families in situations of social vulnerability who had their loved ones subjected to criminal proceedings with insufficient evidence, culminating in illegal conviction. The analysis sought to understand the context of the creation and performance of Non-Governmental Organizations, from their origins, until reaching the understanding of the targeted object of the studied NGO, the information that motivated its creation, bringing elements of quantitative analysis, corroborated by the exposition of the concrete cases which were reviewed with subsequent release of the assisted people.
The present study aims to promote a historical reflection from the context of fundamental rights and the inequalities which are present in Brazil. This historical clipping aims to extract the motivational bases of these movements to establish a connection between the past and the present. Furthermore, an analysis of the performance of the third sector (NGOs) in the fight against inequalities was proposed here to contextualize the field of work of Innocence Project Brazil, an NGO present in the country since 2016, with a focus on providing free legal assistance to families in situations of social vulnerability who had their loved ones subjected to criminal proceedings with insufficient evidence, culminating in illegal conviction. The analysis sought to understand the context of the creation and performance of Non-Governmental Organizations, from their origins, until reaching the understanding of the targeted object of the studied NGO, the information that motivated its creation, bringing elements of quantitative analysis, corroborated by the exposition of the concrete cases which were reviewed with subsequent release of the assisted people.
direitos humanos , desigualdades , terceiro setor , human rights , inequalities , third sector