Relatório de pesquisa para a realização do trabalho: tijolo por tijolo – a vida no extremo da zona Leste (livro fotográfico)
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Silva, Natália Vitória de Oliveira
Paiero, Denise
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Esta pesquisa dá base ao livro fotográfico Tijolo por tijolo – A vida no extremo da Zona
Leste, cujo o objetivo foi o de retratar as relações de moradia e moradores, por meio
do fotojornalismo. Segundo a Prefeitura, a cidade de São Paulo está dividida em sete
macrorregiões. O foco deste Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso foi a Zona Leste 2,
também conhecida como extremo da Zona Leste. Esses territórios possuem um alto
índice de vulnerabilidade social e inúmeros problemas urbanísticos. A Zona Leste 2
abriga mais de 50 mil domicílios sem acesso a rede de esgoto, o menor índice de
Desenvolvimento Humano Municipal (IDHM) e 16% das favelas de São Paulo. A base
teórica deste trabalho foi construída através da consulta de documentos da Prefeitura
de São Paulo, possibilitando assim uma maior compreensão sobre o cenário social da
região. Além de sites oficiais como o da Secretaria Municipal de Desenvolvimento
Urbano e Licenciamento, do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística, e da
Secretaria Municipal de Planejamento. Por meio de uma linguagem literária são
retratados cenas e sentimentos que permeiam as famílias visitadas. Através da
pesquisa de campo foi registrado, por meio da fotografia, o lado humano do extremo
da Zona Leste. Ao final deste trabalho registrei o estilo de vida de seus moradores.
This research forms the basis of the book Tijolo por Tijolo – A vida no extremo da Zona Leste, whose objective is to portrait the relations between residence and residents by means of photojournalism. According to the City Hall, São Paulo is divided into seven macro-regions. The main focus of this final paper was the East Zone 2, also known as the extreme of the East Zone. These territories have high rates of social vulnerability and plenty of urbanistic problems.The East Zone 2 shelters more than fifty thousand households with no access to sewage system, the lowest index of Municipal Human Development and 16% of São Paulo's favelas. The theorical basis of this project was developed through a consulting of the São Paulo City Hall's documents enabling a better comprehension about the social background of the region. Aside from official websites such as the Municipal Secretary of Urban Development and Licesce's; the Brazilian Geography and Estatistics Institute's and the Municipal Secretary of Planning's. The scenarios and sentiments that permeate all the families visited are portrayed by means of a literary language. It was registered through a field research, by photography, the Extreme East Zone's human side. By the end of this work I registered the lifestyle of its residents.
This research forms the basis of the book Tijolo por Tijolo – A vida no extremo da Zona Leste, whose objective is to portrait the relations between residence and residents by means of photojournalism. According to the City Hall, São Paulo is divided into seven macro-regions. The main focus of this final paper was the East Zone 2, also known as the extreme of the East Zone. These territories have high rates of social vulnerability and plenty of urbanistic problems.The East Zone 2 shelters more than fifty thousand households with no access to sewage system, the lowest index of Municipal Human Development and 16% of São Paulo's favelas. The theorical basis of this project was developed through a consulting of the São Paulo City Hall's documents enabling a better comprehension about the social background of the region. Aside from official websites such as the Municipal Secretary of Urban Development and Licesce's; the Brazilian Geography and Estatistics Institute's and the Municipal Secretary of Planning's. The scenarios and sentiments that permeate all the families visited are portrayed by means of a literary language. It was registered through a field research, by photography, the Extreme East Zone's human side. By the end of this work I registered the lifestyle of its residents.
zona Leste 2 , jornalismo , fotojornalismo , moradia , cotidiano , east Zone 2 , journalism , photojournalism , household , daily routine