A abstrativização do controle difuso de constitucionalidade e o papel do senado federal: um caso de mutação constitucional?
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Viapiana, Carolina
Dallari Júnior, Hélcio de Abreu
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O presente trabalho tem por escopo a análise da chamada teoria da abstrativização do controle difuso de constitucionalidade à luz dos preceitos da Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil de 1988. Ao julgar a Reclamação 4.335-5/AC, o Supremo Tribunal Federal suscitou a discussão quanto aos efeitos provenientes da decisão proferida pela Suprema Corte em controle difuso de constitucionalidade. Através dos votos dos ministros Eros Grau e Gilmar Mendes, relator do julgado, foi possível notar que uma nova tese estava sendo proposta pela Corte, qual seja, a de que os efeitos da declaração de inconstitucionalidade em controle difuso não se restringiriam somente às partes envolvidas na lide, mas surtiriam efeitos erga omnes e vinculantes, os quais seriam atribuídos pela própria declaração e não somente pela edição de resolução pelo Senado Federal. Esse entendimento teve origem na interpretação da Corte em relação o artigo 52, inciso X da Constituição, com base na teoria de uma possível ocorrência de mutação constitucional. Todavia, como será demonstrado, as seguintes teses colocam em risco a ordem constitucional, pois ofendem princípios basilares do sistema legal pátrio, além de configurar um precedente temerário que porventura poderia acarretar a produção de novos textos embasados em tal entendimento, acabando por sedimenta-lo, o que claramente se destoa dos preceitos constitucionais.
The present work aims at the analysis of the so-called abstractivization theory of diffuse control of constitutionality in the light of the precepts of the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil of 1988. In judging Complaint 4.335-5/AC, the Supreme Court raised the discussion as to the effects arising from the decision given by the Supreme Court on diffuse control of constitutionality. Through the votes of Ministers Eros Grau and Gilmar Mendes, rapporteur of the judge, it was possible to note that a new thesis was being proposed by the Court, that is, that the effects of the declaration of unconstitutionality in diffuse control would not be restricted only to the parties involved in the lide, but would have erga omnes and binding effects, which would be attributed by the very statement and not only by the issue of resolution by the Federal Senate. This understanding originated in the Court's interpretation of Article 52, item X of the Constitution, based on the theory of a possible occurrence of constitutional mutation. However, as will be demonstrated, the following theses put at risk the constitutional order, because they offend basic principles of the national legal system, besides setting a daredevil precedent that could perhaps lead to the production of new texts based on such an understanding, eventually settling it, which clearly desist from the constitutional precepts.
The present work aims at the analysis of the so-called abstractivization theory of diffuse control of constitutionality in the light of the precepts of the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil of 1988. In judging Complaint 4.335-5/AC, the Supreme Court raised the discussion as to the effects arising from the decision given by the Supreme Court on diffuse control of constitutionality. Through the votes of Ministers Eros Grau and Gilmar Mendes, rapporteur of the judge, it was possible to note that a new thesis was being proposed by the Court, that is, that the effects of the declaration of unconstitutionality in diffuse control would not be restricted only to the parties involved in the lide, but would have erga omnes and binding effects, which would be attributed by the very statement and not only by the issue of resolution by the Federal Senate. This understanding originated in the Court's interpretation of Article 52, item X of the Constitution, based on the theory of a possible occurrence of constitutional mutation. However, as will be demonstrated, the following theses put at risk the constitutional order, because they offend basic principles of the national legal system, besides setting a daredevil precedent that could perhaps lead to the production of new texts based on such an understanding, eventually settling it, which clearly desist from the constitutional precepts.
controle , constitucionalidade , difuso , inter partes , control , constitutionality , diffuse