Racismo no futebol: uma análise das práticas racistas nos estádios de futebol brasileiros
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Leal, Ângela Maria Leite
Moreira, Adilson José
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O presente trabalho tem como escopo apresentar os modos de operação do racismo no futebol. Tal tema se faz relevante, visto que o racismo está presente em vários seguimentos sociais, sendo um deles o futebol, ainda, sua relevancia tem amparo quando analisamos como a questão racial é tratada no Brasil. Os atos racistas, são muitas vezes, encobertos pelo mito da democracia racial, uma ideologia que visa desqualificar as diferenças racias para que assim não exista questionamentos e discussões sobre racismo. Para a compreenção e construção do tema, foi feita a analise das teorias psicanaliticas de Sigmund Freud, especialmente as teorias da personalidade com foco nos níveis da vida mental e instâncias da mente, como também, da teoria do sentimento oceânico e psicologia das massas, para analisarmos como esses indivíduos se comportam individualmente e em grupo, quais suas motivações psicológicas e sociológicas. A partir desses fatores, podemos identificar porque, mesmo com um amplo aparato normativo de combate ao racismo, estes não são efetivos em nossa sociedade.
The present work aims to present the modes of operation of racism in soccer. This theme is relevant, since racism is present in several social segments, one of which is soccer, yet its relevance is supported when we analyze how the racial issue is treated in Brazil. Racist acts are often covered up by the myth of racial democracy, an ideology that aims to disqualify racial differences so that there is no questioning and discussion about racism. For the understanding and construction of the theme, the analysis of Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theories was made, especially the theories of personality focusing on the levels of mental life and instances of the mind, as well as the theory of oceanic feeling and group psychology, for to analyze how these individuals behave individually and in groups, what their psychological and sociological motivations are. From these factors, we can identify why, even with a broad normative apparatus to combat racism, they are not effective in our society.
The present work aims to present the modes of operation of racism in soccer. This theme is relevant, since racism is present in several social segments, one of which is soccer, yet its relevance is supported when we analyze how the racial issue is treated in Brazil. Racist acts are often covered up by the myth of racial democracy, an ideology that aims to disqualify racial differences so that there is no questioning and discussion about racism. For the understanding and construction of the theme, the analysis of Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theories was made, especially the theories of personality focusing on the levels of mental life and instances of the mind, as well as the theory of oceanic feeling and group psychology, for to analyze how these individuals behave individually and in groups, what their psychological and sociological motivations are. From these factors, we can identify why, even with a broad normative apparatus to combat racism, they are not effective in our society.
racismo , futebol , psicologia das massas , sentimento oceânico , racism , soccer , group psychology , oceanic feeling