O design nos livros: análise de capas de Milton Hatoum
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Mauro, Ana Claudia Jacinto de
Pereira, Helena Bonito Couto
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Lajolo, Marisa Philbert
Reimão, Sandra Lúcia Amaral de Assis
Reimão, Sandra Lúcia Amaral de Assis
Before becoming a book (printed or digital), a narrative is a text, which may be read by a large audience or not. The book is a way of bringing together authors and readers, since, due to marketing and logistics carried out by publishing houses, there is easier access to the literary work – readers meet the book in bookstores, social media, and events. A narrative may achieve several editions that can change according to the publication context and its editorial success. These editions may present new elements that contribute to the understanding of the literary text, such as covers, woodcuts, illustrations, formats, etc. One of the reasons these elements vary may be the reception of these books, one of the reasons Jauss’works are so relevant to this work. This dissertation aims at pointing the relation of The brothers and Orphans of Eldorado, by Milton Hatoum, editions’ front cover published in Brazil and other countries, making the relation of the layouts and other graphical elements with the plot more explicit, among other narrative components, and the context of the publication.
recepção , análise de capas , Milton Hatoum
Assuntos Scopus
MAURO, Ana Claudia Jacinto de. O design nos livros: análise de capas de Milton Hatoum. 2018. 82 f. Dissertação (Letras) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.