A multiparentalidade e o impacto no direito sucessório
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Marin, Bruna Finholt
Gurgel, Fernanda Pessanha do Amaral
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O Direito é definido pelos parâmetros e pela cultura de uma sociedade no atual momento em que é encontrada. Logo, conforme esta apresenta mudanças, o Direito deve se adaptar para acompanhar o fluxo e estar atualizado ao novo padrão histórico-social. Na linha do tempo do Direito Brasileiro, a multiparentalidade surgiu a partir do costume do reconhecimento do chamado “filho de coração” ou “filho de consideração” que, uma vez constate e amplamente verificado, teve a necessidade de ser regulamentado. Nesse sentido, a Constituição Federal de 1988 trouxe princípios que regem as relações humanas para com o Direito de Família, trazendo a prevalência da afetividade frente ao, até então como único existente, critério sanguíneo. Juntamente com o reconhecimento da multiparentalidade - novo instituto para configuração de família-, efeitos surgem, com destaque, ao efeito sucessório. Portanto, através da utilização do método dogmático e indutivo, tendo como procedimento técnico a pesquisa bibliográfica e análise jurisprudencial, o objetivo desse trabalho é demonstrar que os vínculos pluriparentais concedem aos seus integrantes o direito legítimo à herança, seja em relação à linha ascendente ou à linha descendente, em respeito, primariamente, à dignidade humana.
The Law is defined by the parameters and culture of a society at the present time it is found. Thus, as the society changes, the Law must adapt to keep up with the flow and be updated to the new historical-social pattern. In the timeline of Brazilian Law, multiparenthood arose from the custom of recognizing the so-called “son of a heart” or “child of consideration” that, once widely verified, had the need to be regulated. Because of these need of regulation, the Federal Constitution of 1988 established principles that govern human relations in the Family Law, resulting in the prevalence of affectivity compared to the, until then only existent, blood criterion. Along with the recognition of multiparenthood – a new institute for family configuration -, effects emerge, one of the most important, the succession effect. Therefore, through the use of the dogmatic and inductive method, having as technical procedures the bibliographic research and jurisprudential analysis, the objective of this work is to demonstrate that pluriparental filiations grant its members the legitimate right to inheritance, whether in relation to the ascendent line or the descendent line, considering the human dignity as the most important principle at all.
The Law is defined by the parameters and culture of a society at the present time it is found. Thus, as the society changes, the Law must adapt to keep up with the flow and be updated to the new historical-social pattern. In the timeline of Brazilian Law, multiparenthood arose from the custom of recognizing the so-called “son of a heart” or “child of consideration” that, once widely verified, had the need to be regulated. Because of these need of regulation, the Federal Constitution of 1988 established principles that govern human relations in the Family Law, resulting in the prevalence of affectivity compared to the, until then only existent, blood criterion. Along with the recognition of multiparenthood – a new institute for family configuration -, effects emerge, one of the most important, the succession effect. Therefore, through the use of the dogmatic and inductive method, having as technical procedures the bibliographic research and jurisprudential analysis, the objective of this work is to demonstrate that pluriparental filiations grant its members the legitimate right to inheritance, whether in relation to the ascendent line or the descendent line, considering the human dignity as the most important principle at all.
direito de família , multiparentalidade , pluriparentalidade , direito sucessório , family law , multiparenthood , pluripatenthood , succession law