Responsabilidade civil dos provedores de aplicação à luz do marco civil da internet
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Rianho, Leonardo Casaro
Wagner Junior, Luiz Guilherme da Costa
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O presente trabalho pretende refletir sobre o tratamento conferido à responsabilidade civil dos provedores de aplicação de Internet no âmbito da Lei nº. 12.965/2014, também conhecida como Marco Civil da Internet, norma regulamentadora do uso das redes no Brasil e que possui como princípios basilares a neutralidade da rede, a privacidade e a liberdade de expressão. Com base nessa legislação, será analisada a evolução doutrinária e jurisprudencial no que diz respeito à responsabilização dos provedores de aplicação pela circulação de conteúdos ofensivos e demais atos ilícitos praticados por si e, especialmente, por terceiros no ambiente virtual, abarcando o entendimento atribuído ao tema em momento anterior e posterior ao advento do marco regulatório. Sob o prisma do sistema de responsabilidade instituído pelo Marco Civil da Internet, também serão analisadas as principais críticas ao referido diploma legal, notadamente no que se refere à remoção de conteúdos ofensivos, à aplicação do mecanismo do notice and takedown no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro e ao conflito entre liberdade de expressão e direitos da personalidade na Internet.
The purpose of this monograph is to reflect the treatment given to providers of internet applications liability by Law 12.965/2014, as known as Brazilian Civil Rights Framework for the Internet, norm that regulates network use in Brazil and has as basic principles the net neutrality, the privacy, and the freedom of expression. Based on that legislation, it will be analyzed doctrine and Brazilian Courts decisions development in regards of providers application liability for offensive content and others illicit acts practiced by itself and, especially, by third parties on virtual environment, including the understanding assigned to the topic before and after the regulatory framework enactment. Under the civil liability system established by Brazilian Civil Rights Framework for the Internet, it will be also analyzed the main criticism made to the abovementioned law, notably in what concerns to content removal, to the notice and takedown mechanism application on Brazilian legal system and to the conflict between freedom of expression and personality rights on the Internet.
The purpose of this monograph is to reflect the treatment given to providers of internet applications liability by Law 12.965/2014, as known as Brazilian Civil Rights Framework for the Internet, norm that regulates network use in Brazil and has as basic principles the net neutrality, the privacy, and the freedom of expression. Based on that legislation, it will be analyzed doctrine and Brazilian Courts decisions development in regards of providers application liability for offensive content and others illicit acts practiced by itself and, especially, by third parties on virtual environment, including the understanding assigned to the topic before and after the regulatory framework enactment. Under the civil liability system established by Brazilian Civil Rights Framework for the Internet, it will be also analyzed the main criticism made to the abovementioned law, notably in what concerns to content removal, to the notice and takedown mechanism application on Brazilian legal system and to the conflict between freedom of expression and personality rights on the Internet.
responsabilidade civil , provedores de aplicação , marco civil da internet , liberdade de expressão , civil liability , provider of internet applications , brazilian civil rights framework for the internet , freedom of expression