Estudo sobre a recuperação judicial do produtor rural pessoa natural: evolução do regime, considerações histórica e legislativa
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Sogari, João Filipe Barreto
Rodrigues, Luiz Gustavo Friggi
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A tese do presente trabalho versa sobre a possibilidade de aplicar ao produtor rural pessoa natural o instituto da recuperação judicial, independentemente de registro na Junta Comercial, bem como as alterações trazidas pela Lei nº 14.112/20 de 24 de dezembro de 2020, que alterou, entre outras, a Lei 11.101/05. Serão abordados aspectos históricos da legislação, desde as leis portuguesas que eram aplicadas no Brasil, até os dias de hoje, passando pelos regimes concursais, o conceito de empresário, a sua aplicabilidade ao produtor rural brasileiro e qual a natureza jurídica de sua inscrição. Para isso, a metodologia utilizada se baseou em pesquisa bibliográfica, com a utilização de livros, artigos científicos e estudos de casos, além da jurisprudência dos principais tribunais brasileiros e do posicionamento do Superior Tribunal de Justiça.
The thesis is dedicated to the study of the bankruptcy Law on rural producer perspective, regardless of enrollment with the Commercial Registry and analyses the amendments brought by Law No. 14.112/20 of December 24, 2020, which amended, among others, Law 11.101/05 (“Law 14.112/20”). In such context, the structure tries to approach historical aspects of the law, from the time when Portuguese law was applied to the new bankruptcy Law. For this purpose, will be analyzed his development relating to the concept of entrepreneur and its applicability to the Brazilian rural producer. The methodology used was based on bibliographical research, scientific articles, case studies and Brazilian’s jurisprudence of the main Courts, including the positioning of the Superior Court of Justice.
The thesis is dedicated to the study of the bankruptcy Law on rural producer perspective, regardless of enrollment with the Commercial Registry and analyses the amendments brought by Law No. 14.112/20 of December 24, 2020, which amended, among others, Law 11.101/05 (“Law 14.112/20”). In such context, the structure tries to approach historical aspects of the law, from the time when Portuguese law was applied to the new bankruptcy Law. For this purpose, will be analyzed his development relating to the concept of entrepreneur and its applicability to the Brazilian rural producer. The methodology used was based on bibliographical research, scientific articles, case studies and Brazilian’s jurisprudence of the main Courts, including the positioning of the Superior Court of Justice.
recuperação judicial , produtor rural , pessoa natural , lei nº 11.101.2005 , bankruptcy law , rural producer , natural person , law no. 11.101/2005