A indústria do desporto: o direito como regulador do ecossistema do esporte de alto rendimento e as implicações aos atletas
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Evangelista, Mariana Araújo
Rodrigues, Geisa De Assis
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Desde os primórdios o esporte é visto como elemento multifacetado capaz de proporcionar não somente mudanças sociais como culturais e educacionais. Atualmente, o esporte também tem ganhado força em seu aspecto econômico isso porque, cada dia mais, vêm sendo difícil separá-lo do ramo do entretenimento e do business. Diante disso, a presente monografia visa analisar as leis nacionais que regem o desporto brasileiro, com o objetivo de investigar se a legislação atual tem por finalidade a proteção e a valorização dos atletas ou se preza pelo lado econômico da relação existente entre as instituições e os próprios atletas. Ainda, em razão da expansão do esporte como entretenimento, este trabalho de conclusão de curso objetiva entender até que ponto o esporte pode ser visto como sinônimo de boa-saúde aos atletas profissionais haja visto que ser atleta profissional é, por vezes, renunciar seus direitos fundamentais e o seu bem-estar físico e emocional. Evidentemente, essa análise tem como intuito ser uma fonte de aporte às mudanças que se fizerem necessárias na legislação desportiva e na gestão do esporte brasileiro.
Since the beginning, sport has been considered a multifaceted element capable of providing not only social but also cultural and educational changes. Currently, sports have also gained strength in its economic aspect because it has become increasingly difficult to separate it from the entertainment and business fields. In view of this, this monograph aims at analyzing the national laws that rule the Brazilian sports, with the purpose of investigating whether the current legislation aims at protecting and valuing the athletes or whether it values the economic side of the relationship existing between the institutions and the athletes themselves. Furthermore, due to the expansion of sports as entertainment, this end-of-course work aims at understanding to what extent sports can be seen as a synonym of good health to professional athletes, given that being a professional athlete means sometimes to renounce their fundamental rights and their physical and emotional well-being. Evidently, this analysis is intended to be a source of support for the changes that may be necessary in the sports legislation and in the management of Brazilian sports.
Since the beginning, sport has been considered a multifaceted element capable of providing not only social but also cultural and educational changes. Currently, sports have also gained strength in its economic aspect because it has become increasingly difficult to separate it from the entertainment and business fields. In view of this, this monograph aims at analyzing the national laws that rule the Brazilian sports, with the purpose of investigating whether the current legislation aims at protecting and valuing the athletes or whether it values the economic side of the relationship existing between the institutions and the athletes themselves. Furthermore, due to the expansion of sports as entertainment, this end-of-course work aims at understanding to what extent sports can be seen as a synonym of good health to professional athletes, given that being a professional athlete means sometimes to renounce their fundamental rights and their physical and emotional well-being. Evidently, this analysis is intended to be a source of support for the changes that may be necessary in the sports legislation and in the management of Brazilian sports.
direito desportivo , esporte como entretenimento , constituição federal , sports law , sports as entertainment , federal constitution