O uso de criptomoedas para a integralização do capital social
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Vidal, Isabella Addario
Melo, Cinira Gomes Lima
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Membros da banca
Há alguns anos as criptomoedas, como o Bitcoin e a Ethereum, vêm ganhando popularidade mundialmente, tendo firmado cada vez mais uma posição de confiança entre a população. A aceitação das criptomoedas tem se estendido ao ramo dos negócios, de modo que alguns países e empresas já estão se movimentando para se adaptarem à nova realidade, do mundo virtual. No Brasil, os ativos virtuais parecem ser pouco explorados e estudados até o momento, mas já têm sido matéria de debate entre as principais autarquias e órgãos regulamentadores. O fato de não possuírem uma regulamentação própria, e ao mesmo tempo contarem com a falta de vedação legal, faz com que muitos caminhos ainda possam ser trilhados para a sua exploração. Um destes caminhos é o estudo da possibilidade de se utilizar as criptomoedas para se integralizar o capital social de sociedades. Afinal, qual a sua natureza jurídica?
For some years now, cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum have been gaining popularity worldwide and have increasingly established a position of trust among the population. The acceptance of cryptocurrencies has extended to the business field, so that some countries and companies are already moving themselves to adapt to the new reality of the virtual world. In Brazil, virtual assets seem to be little explored and studied so far, but they have already been the subject of debate among the main autarchies and regulatory bodies. The fact that they do not have their own regulation, and at the same time count on the lack of legal prohibition make it possible that many paths can still be taken for their exploration. One of these paths is the study of the possibility of using cryptocurrencies to pay up the capital stock of companies. After all, what is their legal nature?
For some years now, cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum have been gaining popularity worldwide and have increasingly established a position of trust among the population. The acceptance of cryptocurrencies has extended to the business field, so that some countries and companies are already moving themselves to adapt to the new reality of the virtual world. In Brazil, virtual assets seem to be little explored and studied so far, but they have already been the subject of debate among the main autarchies and regulatory bodies. The fact that they do not have their own regulation, and at the same time count on the lack of legal prohibition make it possible that many paths can still be taken for their exploration. One of these paths is the study of the possibility of using cryptocurrencies to pay up the capital stock of companies. After all, what is their legal nature?
sociedades , capital social , integralização , criptomoedas , company , corporate capital , paying up , cryptocurrencies