O genocídio da população negra por meio do encarceramento em massa no Brasil
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Santos, Júlia Dandara Pereira dos
Almeida, Jéssica Pascoal Santos
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O intuito do artigo é, primeiramente, enfatizar a partir de discussões propostas pelo movimento
negro e da teoria da Necropolítica cunhada pelo intelectual Achille Mbembe de que há uma
soberania do Estado em ditar quem deve morrer e quem pode sobreviver. Dentro da sociedade
brasileira, estruturada no racismo, às pessoas negras foi negada a humanidade. Sobre seus corpos,
qualquer tipo de violência vale, inclusive a morte. Nesse trabalho, a análise de dados e o conceito
de encarceramento em massa serviram de base para fundamentar como este fenômeno faz parte do
processo de genocídio da população negra. Tanto o cárcere quanto o pós-encarceramento
significam a morte social destes indivíduos negros e negras. O estigma social em decorrência do
encarceramento faz com que egressos do sistema carcerário raramente recuperem o seu status de
ser social. Por fim, a autora conclui que através do conceito de Necropolítica de Achille Mbembe
diversas formas de violência contra a população negra brasileira irão acontecer. Seja pela
seletividade penal, por mortes de jovens negros vítimas de execução sumária da polícia ou a partir
da criminalização de sua cultura.
The primarily aim of this article is to emphasize through discussions whithin the black movement and the Necropolitics Theory coined by the intellectual Achille Mbembe, that there is a State sovereignty that dictates who should die and who can live. In Brazilian society, structured on racism, black people had their humanity denied. Against their bodies, any type of violence is allowed. In this work, data analysis and the mass incarceration concept will be used to substantiate how this phenomenon is part of the process of the black population´s genocide. Both the prison and the after prison mean the social death to those black individuals. The social stigma caused by the incarceration makes it rare for the felonies to recover their status of social being. Therefore, the author concludes that through the Achelle Mbembe’s concept of Necropolitics, different forms of violence against the Brazilian black population will happen. It can be through criminal selectiveness, summary execution of young black men or a criminalization of black culture.
The primarily aim of this article is to emphasize through discussions whithin the black movement and the Necropolitics Theory coined by the intellectual Achille Mbembe, that there is a State sovereignty that dictates who should die and who can live. In Brazilian society, structured on racism, black people had their humanity denied. Against their bodies, any type of violence is allowed. In this work, data analysis and the mass incarceration concept will be used to substantiate how this phenomenon is part of the process of the black population´s genocide. Both the prison and the after prison mean the social death to those black individuals. The social stigma caused by the incarceration makes it rare for the felonies to recover their status of social being. Therefore, the author concludes that through the Achelle Mbembe’s concept of Necropolitics, different forms of violence against the Brazilian black population will happen. It can be through criminal selectiveness, summary execution of young black men or a criminalization of black culture.
genocídio , encarceramento em massa , população negra , necropolítica , genocide , mass incarceration , black population , necropolitic