Patrocínio de marcs no cenário de esports como estratégia para alcançar a geração z
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Medeiros, Denise
Campanelli, Fabio Domingos
Diegues, Luca Moriyama
Mandella, Rodrigo
Campanelli, Fabio Domingos
Diegues, Luca Moriyama
Mandella, Rodrigo
Morita, Marcos Roberto
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Nos últimos anos, os esports vêm crescendo de forma significativa, de modo que cada vez mais diferentes marcas começam a ingressar e patrocinar esse cenário. O objetivo deste trabalho é compreender como as empresas utilizam do patrocínio no cenário de esports como estratégia para alcançar a geração Z. Os conceitos abordados neste trabalho foram os de segmentação, posicionamento estratégico, valor de marca, lealdade à marca e métricas de marketing, que deram sustentação para especificar conceitos como patrocínio como estratégia de marketing e o comportamento e hábitos de consumo da geração Z. Foi realizada uma pesquisa quantitativa exploratória, para assim analisar o mercado de esports, seu público, o comportamento das marcas nesse cenário e o benefício dos esports para elas, bem como uma pesquisa qualitativa utilizando a entrevista como método de coleta de dados e como instrumento um roteiro, para assim conseguir ter uma visão mais ampla e uma maior flexibilidade de perguntas frente-a-frente com os profissionais ativos no cenário de esports.
In the last few years, esports have been growing significantly, in a way that more and more brands started joining and sponsoring this market. The objective of this study is to understand how companies utilize the sponsorship of this scenery as a strategy to reach generation Z. The concepts approached were those of esports, brands, brand equity, brand loyalty, market segmentation, marketing metrics, strategic positioning, behavior, and consumption habits of Generation Z. An exploratory and qualitative research was carried out in order to analyze the esports market, its audience, the behavior of brands in this scenery and the benefits of esports to them, as well as a qualitative research utilizing the interview as an data collection method and a script as an instrument, so that we may have a broader view and greater flexibility when asking questions to active professionals in the esports market.
In the last few years, esports have been growing significantly, in a way that more and more brands started joining and sponsoring this market. The objective of this study is to understand how companies utilize the sponsorship of this scenery as a strategy to reach generation Z. The concepts approached were those of esports, brands, brand equity, brand loyalty, market segmentation, marketing metrics, strategic positioning, behavior, and consumption habits of Generation Z. An exploratory and qualitative research was carried out in order to analyze the esports market, its audience, the behavior of brands in this scenery and the benefits of esports to them, as well as a qualitative research utilizing the interview as an data collection method and a script as an instrument, so that we may have a broader view and greater flexibility when asking questions to active professionals in the esports market.
esports , marca , público-alvo , geração Z , patrocínio , sports , brand , target audience , generation Z , sponsorship