Alvarás de construção: caminho e descaminhos
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Guimarães, Ana Paula Momose
Bruna, Gilda Collet
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Righi, Roberto
Abascal, Eunice Helena Sguizzard
Mattos, Paula De Vincenzo Fidelis Belfort
Macedo, Adilson Costa
Abascal, Eunice Helena Sguizzard
Mattos, Paula De Vincenzo Fidelis Belfort
Macedo, Adilson Costa
Arquitetura e Urbanismo
This thesis has as a multidisciplinary challenge, to discuss the various types of construction permits, as a more democratic theme and to prove that there is a difficult, complex, and full of obstacles (mischief) about the licensing of civil construction in Brazil. To elaborate on the difficulties that we face professionally, in obtaining the official and legal documents for the effective realization of the regular architectural good, in face of the numerous irregularities and cultural contradictions of the Brazilian edile building, with emphasis only the jurisdiction of the State of São Paulo. Due to the great complexity of the legislation and the plurality of technical norms, we seek to organize and write on the theme of the path of regular edlic licensing (the challenge of this thesis), in front of a country still so young and disorderly in its fullness. The barriers and non-uniformities of administrative procedures, fragile and imprecise land registers and registers are the background to achieving the regularity of civil construction, in this chaotic and complex scenario, were the main motives in writing about urban permits and also for verifying very little literature on construction permits specifically. In this importance, we will present the sequences of the permits and their variations. Its concepts, its stages and its foundations. We will present the different types of permits that can occur in the search for regularity of the building construction, based on the Codes of Work of the Municipal of São Paulo. The AVCB, the Inspection Body of the Fire Department, will have a special emphasis in a chapter, due to its preventive importance of firefighting of the buildings as a state regulation, and also for its tie with the release of the operating license and the "inhabit", when applied in accordance with legislation. Negative debit certificates (CND) of taxes, emoluments and fees that intertwine with the building licensing procedures will be analyzed and discussed also because of the importance of obtaining the "inhabit". An important theme for all people to understand what consolidates the set of documents that prove the regular building. Approved plants, permits and tax on the day. And closing the analysis, in the last chapter on what is the regular architectural property on a regular terrain. The thesis proves and explains the way of construction permits and their typologies. To discuss the impasses of urban licensing, the difficulties faced by administrative silence, the fragility of inspection and the lack of preparation of technicians and future architects and engineers, is our concern to help in the professional maturity of all.
alvará de construção , licença urbana , Habite-se (documento) , construção , burocracia
Assuntos Scopus
GUIMARÃES, Ana Paula Momose. Alvarás de construção: caminho e descaminhos. 2018. 118 f. Tese ( Arquitetura e Urbanismo) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo .