Possibilidade de condenação quando o MinistérioPpúblico pede absolvição nos termos do artigo 385 do código de processo penal
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Pisetti, Guilherme Kenji Takahashi
Aranha Filho, Adalberto José Queiroz Telles de Camargo
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O presente artigo tem por objetivo analisar os aspectos do artigo 385 do Código de
Processo Penal. Para isso, foram analisados parâmetros constitucionais e processuais que
definiriam a sua constitucionalidade. Em que pese a Constituição Federal de 1988 declarar que
o Ministério Público é o titular da ação penal e dispõe da pretensão acusatória, este não exerce
total controle sobre seu andamento. Uma vez oferecida a denúncia e iniciado o processo penal,
o procedimento fica indisponível para o parquet, impedindo que desista da ação. Assim, mesmo
que o Ministério Público peça absolvição do réu, o magistrado ainda poderá optar pela
condenação. A escolha do tema se deu pela necessidade de análise da permanência do
dispositivo no Código de Processo Penal mesmo após a Lei 13.964/19 que reformou o CPP e,
em teoria, deixou o código mais próximo de um sistema acusatório. Pode-se verificar que ainda
é vigente no Código de Processo Penal diversos atos de ofício que o magistrado poderá se valer
para auxiliá-lo na formação de convicção. Entretanto, a participação ativa do magistrado não é
inconstitucional, ou caracteriza o Brasil como sistema inquisitivo. Apenas determina que o
magistrado é um agente do Estado que deverá se valer dos meios necessários e legais para
auxiliá-lo na formação da sua convicção, mesmo que essa divirja do Ministério Público.
The article aims to analyze the aspects of article 385 of the Criminal Procedure Code. For this, the constitutional and procedural aspects that would define its constitutionality were analyzed. In spite of the Federal Constitution of 1988 declaring that the Public Ministry is the holder of the criminal action and has the accusatory claim, but it does not exercise full control over the legal progress. Once the complaint has been filed and the criminal process started, the procedure is unavailable for the parquet, preventing it from withdrawing from the action. Thus, even if the Public Prosecutor's Office asks for the defendant's acquittal, the magistrate can still opt for the conviction. The choice of theme was due to the need to analyze the permanence of the device in the Criminal Procedure Code even after Law 13.964/19 which reformed the CPP and, in theory, left it closer to an accusatory system. It can be seen that there are still in force in the Criminal Procedure Code several official acts that the magistrate can use to help him in the formation of conviction. However, the active participation of the magistrate is not unconstitutional, or characterizes Brazil as an accusatory system. It only determines that the magistrate is an agent of the State who must use the necessary and legal means to help him form his conviction, even if this diverges from the Public Ministry.
The article aims to analyze the aspects of article 385 of the Criminal Procedure Code. For this, the constitutional and procedural aspects that would define its constitutionality were analyzed. In spite of the Federal Constitution of 1988 declaring that the Public Ministry is the holder of the criminal action and has the accusatory claim, but it does not exercise full control over the legal progress. Once the complaint has been filed and the criminal process started, the procedure is unavailable for the parquet, preventing it from withdrawing from the action. Thus, even if the Public Prosecutor's Office asks for the defendant's acquittal, the magistrate can still opt for the conviction. The choice of theme was due to the need to analyze the permanence of the device in the Criminal Procedure Code even after Law 13.964/19 which reformed the CPP and, in theory, left it closer to an accusatory system. It can be seen that there are still in force in the Criminal Procedure Code several official acts that the magistrate can use to help him in the formation of conviction. However, the active participation of the magistrate is not unconstitutional, or characterizes Brazil as an accusatory system. It only determines that the magistrate is an agent of the State who must use the necessary and legal means to help him form his conviction, even if this diverges from the Public Ministry.
artigo 385 do CPP , atos de ofício , acusatório , inquisitivo , article 385 of the CPP , ex officio , accusatory , inquisitive