O regime de teletrabalho e sua interferência nas relações de trabalho: a aplicação das normas trabalhistas e a proteção aos trabalhadores
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Aguirra, Vivian Maria Ferreira de
Messa, Ana Flávia
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O presente estudo aborda a evolução do direito do trabalho e a fusão deste com a tecnologia, relação esta basilar para o surgimento do regime de teletrabalho. Aborda, ainda, as legislações existentes sobre o tema, incluindo as recentes alterações ocasionadas pela pandemia de Covid-19, seus efeitos na prática do trabalho realizado à distância e os principais pontos controvertidos que interferem diretamente na proteção dos trabalhadores. Por fim, trata acerca da responsabilidade dos empregadores no teletrabalho e seus limites de controle, considerando as garantias legislativas existentes e aplicadas aos empregados. Por tanto, a pesquisa foi realizada a partir do método dedutivo, através de uma abordagem qualitativa, baseando-se a fundamentação teórica na análise bibliográfica sobre o tema proposto por meio das doutrinas e estudos avulsos existentes, de modo a confrontar a teoria com a aplicação prática. A partir do aprofundamento ao tema, conclui-se ser o regime de teletrabalho crescente e promissor, estabilizando-se como basilar a proteção dos trabalhadores, demonstrando-se imprescindível a resolução das questões ainda conflituosas a partir da análise da legislação aplicada junto às demais normas relativas ao Direito do Trabalho.
This study addresses the evolution of labor law and its fusion with technology, a relationship that is fundamental to the emergence of the telework regime. It also addresses the existing laws on the subject, including the recent changes caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, the effects of the teleworking practice and the main controversial points that directly interfere on the workers protection. Finally, it deals with the responsibility of employers in telework and its control limits, considering the existing legislative guarantees applied to employees. Therefore, the research was conducted from the deductive method, through a qualitative approach, basing the theoretical foundation on the bibliographic analysis of the proposed theme through doctrines and existing studies, in order to confront theory with the practical application. From the deepening of the theme, it is concluded that the telework regime is growing and promising, stabilizing itself as the basis for the protection of workers, proving to be essential to resolve the still conflicting issues from the analysis of the applied legislation along with other rules relating to Labor Law.
This study addresses the evolution of labor law and its fusion with technology, a relationship that is fundamental to the emergence of the telework regime. It also addresses the existing laws on the subject, including the recent changes caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, the effects of the teleworking practice and the main controversial points that directly interfere on the workers protection. Finally, it deals with the responsibility of employers in telework and its control limits, considering the existing legislative guarantees applied to employees. Therefore, the research was conducted from the deductive method, through a qualitative approach, basing the theoretical foundation on the bibliographic analysis of the proposed theme through doctrines and existing studies, in order to confront theory with the practical application. From the deepening of the theme, it is concluded that the telework regime is growing and promising, stabilizing itself as the basis for the protection of workers, proving to be essential to resolve the still conflicting issues from the analysis of the applied legislation along with other rules relating to Labor Law.
teletrabalho , direito do trabalho , controvérsias legislativas , proteção aos trabalhadores , telework , labor law , legislative controversies , protection to workers