Simplificação do documento jurídico com aplicação de legal design e Chat GPT
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Mattos, Giulia Zanovelli Publio de
Cunha, Mariana Moreno de Gusmão
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No âmbito jurídico, o uso excessivo e desnecessário de termos técnicos e expressões
extremamente formais, ganhou popularidade e documentos jurídicos são, em suma, limitados à
compreensão de um nicho de pessoas que compreendem a linguagem jurídica. A falta de
entendimento dos documentos jurídicos por boa parte da população limita, inclusive, o acesso e a
compressão de direitos e deveres de cidadãos comuns que possuem interesse ou que são partes
envolvidas no assunto tratado no documento. O presente artigo traz uma breve contextualização da
construção de documentos jurídicos com linguagem simples e objetiva, à luz do Legal design e Chat
GPT. Primeiramente aborda-se técnicas do legal design e a importância de sua aplicação para a
construção de documentos pensados na perspectiva do seu usuário. Em seguida, o artigo discorre
sobre a utilização de inteligência artificial, mais precisamente o Chat GPT, como ferramenta capaz de
auxiliar nos recursos do legal design. Posteriomente é abordada a aplicação de legal design e Chat
GPT em Política de Privacidade. E, por fim, discorre-se sobre as considerações positivas, as
limitações e os entraves observados na utilização de legal design e Chat GPT na política de
privacidade, com intuito de garantir a elaboração de documentos claros, objetivos e que aproximem o
direito do leitor
In the legal sphere, the excessive and unnecessary use of technical terms and extremely formal expressions has gained popularity and legal documents are, in short, limited to the understanding of a niche of people who understand legal language. The lack of understanding of legal documents by a large part of the population even limits the access and understanding of rights and duties of ordinary citizens who are interested in or are parties involved in the subject covered in the document. This article provides a brief contextualization of the construction of legal documents with simple and objective language, in the light of Legal design and GPT Chat. Firstly, legal design techniques and the importance of their application for the construction of documents designed from the user's perspective are discussed. Next, the article discusses the use of artificial intelligence, more precisely GPT Chat, as a tool capable of assisting in legal design resources. Later, the application of legal design and GPT Chat in the Privacy Policy is discussed. And, finally, we discuss the positive considerations, limitations and obstacles observed in the use of legal design and GPT Chat in the privacy policy, with the aim of guaranteeing the preparation of clear, objective documents that bring the reader's rights closer.
In the legal sphere, the excessive and unnecessary use of technical terms and extremely formal expressions has gained popularity and legal documents are, in short, limited to the understanding of a niche of people who understand legal language. The lack of understanding of legal documents by a large part of the population even limits the access and understanding of rights and duties of ordinary citizens who are interested in or are parties involved in the subject covered in the document. This article provides a brief contextualization of the construction of legal documents with simple and objective language, in the light of Legal design and GPT Chat. Firstly, legal design techniques and the importance of their application for the construction of documents designed from the user's perspective are discussed. Next, the article discusses the use of artificial intelligence, more precisely GPT Chat, as a tool capable of assisting in legal design resources. Later, the application of legal design and GPT Chat in the Privacy Policy is discussed. And, finally, we discuss the positive considerations, limitations and obstacles observed in the use of legal design and GPT Chat in the privacy policy, with the aim of guaranteeing the preparation of clear, objective documents that bring the reader's rights closer.
chat GPT , política de privacidade , simplificação da linguagem , legal design , GPT Chat , privacy policy , language simplification