A pregação bíblica como meio de graça
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Silva, Rodrigo Geraldo da
Santos Jr., Daniel
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Os meios de graça são instrumentos pelos quais o Senhor transmite bênçãos especiais ao Seu povo, fortalecendo sua fé, esperança, amor e todas as demais bênçãos referentes à salvação. O crescimento espiritual do crente está intimamente ligado à sua participação nos meios designados por Deus para o alcance deste propósito mediante a ação do Espírito Santo. Em Sua sabedoria, Deus designou para serem os principais meios pelos quais Ele comunica Cristo e Seus benefícios aos crentes, a Palavra, os sacramentos e a oração. O Senhor Jesus aponta que as Escrituras são o meio principal e indispensável da salvação (Lc 16.31; 24.27,44,45). Sabe-se que a pregação da Palavra de Deus era o elemento central no ministério dos apóstolos (At 2.22,41; 4.4; 5.20; 6.7; 12.24; 15.7, 32, 36; 16.14; 19.20; 20.32) e Paulo afirma categoricamente que a fé vem pela pregação da Palavra de Deus (Rm 10.17). É nítido que os apóstolos colocaram a Palavra de Deus no mais alto patamar como o meio de salvação e santificação dos crentes (Cl 3.16; Hb 5.14; Tg 1.18,21,25; 1Pe 2.2), portanto, sua exposição, tal como a Palavra escrita e dramatizada nos sacramentos, constitui num poderoso meio de graça designado e usado pelo Senhor para comunicar bênçãos aos Seus eleitos. Assim como os apóstolos, os reformadores, puritanos e teólogos clássicos, também afirmaram a excelência da Palavra escrita e pregada como meio de graça, apresentando seus requisitos divinos, sua centralidade no ministério pastoral e na adoração cristã, bem como seus propósitos redentores e santificadores para o povo de Deus.
Means of grace are instruments by which the Lord imparts special blessings to His people, strengthening their faith, hope, love, and all other blessings pertaining to salvation. The believer's spiritual growth is closely linked to his participation in God's appointed means for the achievement of this purpose through the action of the Holy Spirit. In His wisdom God designed the Word, sacraments, and prayer to be the principal means by which He communicates Christ and His benefits to believers. The Lord Jesus points out that the Scriptures are the chief and indispensable means of salvation (Lk 16:31; 24:27, 44, 45). It is known that the preaching of the Word of God was the central element in the ministry of the apostles (Act 2.22, 41; 4.4; 5.20; 6.7; 12.24; 15.7, 32, 36; 16.14; 19.20; 20.32) and Paul categorically states that the faith comes by preaching the Word of God (Rm 10:17). It is clear that the apostles placed the Word of God on the highest level as the means of salvation and sanctification of believers (Cl 3.16; Hb 5.14; Jm 1.18,21,25; 1Pe 2:2), therefore, their exposition, like the Word written and dramatized in the sacraments, constitutes a powerful means of grace designed and used by the Lord to communicate blessings to His elect. Like the apostles, reformers, Puritans, and classical theologians, they also affirmed the excellence of the written and preached Word as a means of grace, presenting its divine requirements, its centrality in pastoral ministry and Christian worship, as well as its redemptive and sanctifiers for the people of God.
Means of grace are instruments by which the Lord imparts special blessings to His people, strengthening their faith, hope, love, and all other blessings pertaining to salvation. The believer's spiritual growth is closely linked to his participation in God's appointed means for the achievement of this purpose through the action of the Holy Spirit. In His wisdom God designed the Word, sacraments, and prayer to be the principal means by which He communicates Christ and His benefits to believers. The Lord Jesus points out that the Scriptures are the chief and indispensable means of salvation (Lk 16:31; 24:27, 44, 45). It is known that the preaching of the Word of God was the central element in the ministry of the apostles (Act 2.22, 41; 4.4; 5.20; 6.7; 12.24; 15.7, 32, 36; 16.14; 19.20; 20.32) and Paul categorically states that the faith comes by preaching the Word of God (Rm 10:17). It is clear that the apostles placed the Word of God on the highest level as the means of salvation and sanctification of believers (Cl 3.16; Hb 5.14; Jm 1.18,21,25; 1Pe 2:2), therefore, their exposition, like the Word written and dramatized in the sacraments, constitutes a powerful means of grace designed and used by the Lord to communicate blessings to His elect. Like the apostles, reformers, Puritans, and classical theologians, they also affirmed the excellence of the written and preached Word as a means of grace, presenting its divine requirements, its centrality in pastoral ministry and Christian worship, as well as its redemptive and sanctifiers for the people of God.
pregação , Bíblia , meio de graça , ministério pastoral , igreja , preaching , Bible , means of grace , pastoral ministry , church