As dimensões da sustentabilidade na nova lei de licitações
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Calestine, Ana Carolina Corrêa
Nohara, Irene Patrícia
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Desde 2010, figura entre os objetivos da licitação a promoção do desenvolvimento nacional sustentável. No entanto, com a nova lei de licitação houve também sua previsão enquanto princípio. O objetivo da presente monografia é abordar as dimensões do desenvolvimento nacional sustentável na nova lei de licitações. Para tanto, parte-se da concepção de sustentabilidade, em suas dimensões econômica, social e ambiental. É abordada a função metacontratual da licitação, sendo esta tida como veículo de realização de políticas públicas, para depois se enfocar cada uma das dimensões da sustentabilidade com base na disciplina da nova lei de licitações. Espera-se, portanto, contribuir para implementação de ESG nas aquisições e contratações públicas, para que a licitação seja instrumento apto a prevenir riscos e degradações ao meio ambiente, estimulando os licitantes a adotarem comportamentos e oferecerem produtos mais sustentáveis. A metodologia utilizada no artigo foi jurídico-dogmática de modelo hermenêutico com raciocínio dedutivo embasado em pesquisa legislativa e bibliográfica.
Since 2010, the promotion of sustainable national development has been among the objectives of the bidding process. However, with the new bidding law there was also its prediction as a principle. The objective of this monograph is to address the dimensions of sustainable national development in the new bidding law. Therefore, it starts from the concept of sustainability, in its economic, social and environmental dimensions. The meta-contractual function of the bidding is addressed, which is seen as a vehicle for carrying out public policy, and then focus on each of the dimensions of sustainability based on the discipline of the new bidding law. Therefore, it is expected to contribute to the implementation of ESG in public procurement and contracting, so that the bidding is an instrument capable of preventing risks and degradation to the environment, encouraging bidders to adopt behaviors and offer more sustainable products. The methodology used in the article was legal-dogmatic of a hermeneutic model with deductive reasoning based on legislative and bibliographical research.
Since 2010, the promotion of sustainable national development has been among the objectives of the bidding process. However, with the new bidding law there was also its prediction as a principle. The objective of this monograph is to address the dimensions of sustainable national development in the new bidding law. Therefore, it starts from the concept of sustainability, in its economic, social and environmental dimensions. The meta-contractual function of the bidding is addressed, which is seen as a vehicle for carrying out public policy, and then focus on each of the dimensions of sustainability based on the discipline of the new bidding law. Therefore, it is expected to contribute to the implementation of ESG in public procurement and contracting, so that the bidding is an instrument capable of preventing risks and degradation to the environment, encouraging bidders to adopt behaviors and offer more sustainable products. The methodology used in the article was legal-dogmatic of a hermeneutic model with deductive reasoning based on legislative and bibliographical research.
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nova lei de licitações , contratações sustentáveis , sustentabilidade , the new bidding law , sustainable hiring , sustainability