O sistema penitenciário brasileiro e suas inconstitucionalidades
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Tavares, Thais Cristina Bezerra
Lopes, Mariângela Tomé
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O presente trabalho buscará realizar uma análise da realidade do sistema prisional brasileiro. No primeiro capítulo se observará os principais fatores que resultaram na constitucionalização dos direitos humanos inerentes aos indivíduos, além daqueles direitos que devem ser garantidos ao custodiado durante sua experiência sobre o domínio estatal com sua liberdade de locomoção restringida. Ato contínuo, faremos um panorama histórico sobre o nascimento do cárcere, sua evolução, seus principais objetivos e, por fim, como tal realidade chegou ao Brasil e como tem sido disciplinada em nosso ordenamento jurídico. Em seguida observaremos pontos da Lei de Execução Penal n.º 7.210/84 e como o referido diploma legal disciplina a permanência do indivíduo no sistema prisional, além do objetivo de mantê-lo sob a custódia do estado. A última parte, comentaremos do instituto de Estado de Coisas Inconstitucional e sua fixação através da Ação de Descumprimento de Preceito Fundamental n.º 347 do Supremo Tribunal Federal que admitiu a violação em massa e contínua dos direitos humanos no sistema prisional brasileiro.
This paper seeks to analyze the reality of the Brazilian prison system. In the first chapter, we will observe the main factors that resulted in the constitutionality of human rights inherent to individuals, in addition to those rights that must be guaranteed to the detainee during his experience under the state domain with his freedom of movement restricted. Continuously, we will make a historical overview of the birth of the prison, its evolution, its main objectives worldwide, and, lastly, how this reality came to Brazil and how it was regulated in our legal system. Then we will observe points of the Penal Execution Law No. 7.210/84 and how this legal document disciplines the permanence of the individual in the prison system, aside from the objective of keeping him under the custody of the state. Finally, we will comment on the institute of Unconstitutional State of Affairs and its fixation through the Request For Non-Compliance Of Basic Principles (A.D.P.F.) - in Portuguese - Descumprimento de Preceito Fundamental No. 347 of the Supremo Tribunal Federal that admitted the massive and continuous violation of human rights in the Brazilian prison system.
This paper seeks to analyze the reality of the Brazilian prison system. In the first chapter, we will observe the main factors that resulted in the constitutionality of human rights inherent to individuals, in addition to those rights that must be guaranteed to the detainee during his experience under the state domain with his freedom of movement restricted. Continuously, we will make a historical overview of the birth of the prison, its evolution, its main objectives worldwide, and, lastly, how this reality came to Brazil and how it was regulated in our legal system. Then we will observe points of the Penal Execution Law No. 7.210/84 and how this legal document disciplines the permanence of the individual in the prison system, aside from the objective of keeping him under the custody of the state. Finally, we will comment on the institute of Unconstitutional State of Affairs and its fixation through the Request For Non-Compliance Of Basic Principles (A.D.P.F.) - in Portuguese - Descumprimento de Preceito Fundamental No. 347 of the Supremo Tribunal Federal that admitted the massive and continuous violation of human rights in the Brazilian prison system.
sistema prisional , direitos humanos , direitos humanos nos presídios , prison system , human rights , human rights in prisons