Fé cristã, cultura e arte: uma introdução ao pensamento de Hans Rookmaaker
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Santana, Bruno Campos de Alcantara
Fontes, Filipe Costa
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Este trabalho acadêmico digna-se analisar de forma introdutória o pensamento do filósofo Holandês Henderik Roelof (Hans) Rookmaaker (1922-1977), o entendendo como um personagem de grande relevância para a filosofia cristã contemporânea, principalmente na discussão de temas como cosmovisão, arte e evangelização em contextos urbanos. O trabalho se desenvolverá a partir da análise de referências bibliográficas tomando como estrutura principal as obras de Rookmaaker, mas utilizando-se de outros teólogos e filósofos que compõem a matiz de seu pensamento. A estrutura biográfica segue de forma cronológica assim como a breve análise do Neocalvinismo. Já o seu pensamento será exposto de forma temática, respeitando a apresentação dos temas em suas obras. Sua contribuição para o estudo da filosofia cristã, em especial o tema cosmovisão apresentará a sua percepção de que o pensamento humano tem suas bases no compromisso religioso do coração, ou seu Motivo Base Religioso; que a realidade é percebida pelo homem através de esferas modais; que a produção cultural ocidental contemporânea é profundamente influenciada pelo motivo base Natureza/Liberdade como fruto de um desenvolvimento histórico apóstata e mediado exclusivamente pela experiência e razão humana; e, que como resposta, a atuação da igreja deve ser a de lutar através de uma atuação cultural que glorifique a Deus baseada e prantear, orar, pensar e trabalhar.
This academic work deigns to analyze in an introductory way the thought of the Dutch philosopher Henderik Roelof (Hans) Rookmaaker (1922-1977), understanding that a character of great relevance to contemporary Christian philosophy, especially in the discussion of topics such as cosmovision, art and evangelization in urban contexts. The work will be developed from the analysis of bibliographical references taking as main structure the works of Rookmaaker but using other theologians and philosophers that compose the nuance of his thought. The biographical structure follows chronologically as well as the brief analysis of Neo Calvinism. His thinking will be exposed in a thematic way, respecting the presentation of the themes in his works. His contribution to the study of Christian philosophy, especially the cosmovision theme, will present his perception that human thought has its bases in the religious commitment of the heart, or its Religious Base Motive; that reality is perceived by man through modal spheres; that contemporary Western cultural production is deeply influenced by the Nature/Freedom base motif as the result of an apostate historical development mediated exclusively by human experience and reason; and, that in response the church's action must be that of struggle through a cultural action that glorifies God based on mourning, praying, thinking and working.
This academic work deigns to analyze in an introductory way the thought of the Dutch philosopher Henderik Roelof (Hans) Rookmaaker (1922-1977), understanding that a character of great relevance to contemporary Christian philosophy, especially in the discussion of topics such as cosmovision, art and evangelization in urban contexts. The work will be developed from the analysis of bibliographical references taking as main structure the works of Rookmaaker but using other theologians and philosophers that compose the nuance of his thought. The biographical structure follows chronologically as well as the brief analysis of Neo Calvinism. His thinking will be exposed in a thematic way, respecting the presentation of the themes in his works. His contribution to the study of Christian philosophy, especially the cosmovision theme, will present his perception that human thought has its bases in the religious commitment of the heart, or its Religious Base Motive; that reality is perceived by man through modal spheres; that contemporary Western cultural production is deeply influenced by the Nature/Freedom base motif as the result of an apostate historical development mediated exclusively by human experience and reason; and, that in response the church's action must be that of struggle through a cultural action that glorifies God based on mourning, praying, thinking and working.
Rookmaaker , Fé , cultura , arte , Rookmaaker , Faith , culture , art