P.L.U.R. - Peace Love Unity and Respect: Um ensaio fotográfico
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Vendramini, Caio
Nascimento, Manoel
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Nos Festivais de Música Eletrônica, quem os frequenta, tem uma forte
cultura de prezar a paz e a espiritualidade, assim como uma conexão profunda com a
natureza, acima de tudo. A partir das festas de Goa, e da miscigenação cultural decor-
rente da popularização desses eventos, o público desenvolveu aspectos próprios, como
o princípio de PLUR, que de certa forma caracteriza a cultura dos Festivais de Música
Eletrônica contemporâneos, “um movimento de cura individual que prioriza a melhoria
social” (HUTSON, 2000 p.39). Nas Raves, o público também se encontra num estado de
paz e harmonia social. O foco desses eventos aparenta ser mais para dançar e curtir o line
up do main stage, sem contar tanto com outras experiências culturais ou sensoriais.
At Electronic Music Festivals, those who attend them have a strong culture of cherishing peace and spirituality, as well as a deep connection with the nature above all. From the Goa festivities, and from the cultural miscegenation of decor- Due to the popularization of these events, the public developed its own aspects, such as the principle of PLUR, which in a way characterizes the culture of Music Festivals Contemporary electronics, “an individual healing movement that prioritizes improvement social” (HUTSON, 2000 p.39). At Raves, the audience is also in a state of peace and social harmony. The focus of these events seems to be more on dancing and enjoying the line up from the main stage, without relying so much on other cultural or sensory experiences.
At Electronic Music Festivals, those who attend them have a strong culture of cherishing peace and spirituality, as well as a deep connection with the nature above all. From the Goa festivities, and from the cultural miscegenation of decor- Due to the popularization of these events, the public developed its own aspects, such as the principle of PLUR, which in a way characterizes the culture of Music Festivals Contemporary electronics, “an individual healing movement that prioritizes improvement social” (HUTSON, 2000 p.39). At Raves, the audience is also in a state of peace and social harmony. The focus of these events seems to be more on dancing and enjoying the line up from the main stage, without relying so much on other cultural or sensory experiences.
festivais de música eletrônica , raves , eventos , dança , P.L.U.R (Paz - Amor - União e Respeito) , electronic music festivals , raves , events , dance , P.L.U.R (Peace – Love – Union and Respect)