A cidade nas palavras: a representação do espaço periférico em Capão Pecado, de Ferréz
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Silva, Ana Karoliny Azevedo
Bueno, Alexandre Marcelo
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A partir da semiótica de linha francesa, este estudo se propõe a analisar e compreender as estratégias discursivas empregadas nas descrições de espaço do romance Capão Pecado, escrito pelo autor paulistano Ferréz. Os trechos verificados foram selecionados em razão de sua relevância quando de encontro com a espacialidade da narrativa, bem como foram considerados elementos relativos à significação dada através de suas respectivas organizações discursivas. Foram destacados os processos relativos à semântica e sintaxe discursiva do texto em questão, em que foram destrinchados aspectos como a ancoragem em pessoa, tempo e espaço, tematização, figurativização, a partir de suas debreagens. A análise de tais elementos se dá em razão do entendimento dos efeitos de sentido produzidos por meio de tais configurações textuais. A divisão dos trechos em categorias foi realizada com base na constatação de certas isotopias temáticas dentro da narrativa, o que resultou na apreensão da análise do nível discursivo do percurso gerativo de sentido por meio de três diferentes categorias temáticas: o espaço como reflexo de injustiças sociais; a relação entre espaço e violência urbana; e, finalmente, o espaço público como facilitador de socialização. Também foram observados elementos que configuram a coerência textual na narrativa, e como este recurso atua como veículo de simulacros da realidade. Por fim, a tensividade do discurso foi estudada pela assimilação da correlação entre intensidade e extensidade. Assim, considerando a apreensão do percurso gerativo de sentido, com ênfase em processos constitutivos do nível discursivo, e a tensividade atrelada aos excertos que conotam o espaço ficcional de Capão Pecado, este trabalho deseja ser uma contribuição para a compreensão de discursos literários contemporâneos através da semiótica discursiva, de modo a discuti-lo dando prioridade a procedimentos inerentes às semióticas literária e espacial.
Through the discursive semiotics, this study aims to analyze and understand the discursive strategies used in the descriptions of space in the novel Capão Pecado, written by the author Ferréz. The verified excerpts were selected due to their relevance when given the spatiality of the narrative, as well as elements related to the meanings reached through their respective discursive organizations. The processes related to the discursive semantics and syntax of the text analyzed were highlighted, in which aspects such as anchoring in person, time and space, thematization, figurativization were examined, based on their shiftings. The analysis of such elements takes place in the understanding of the meaning effects produced through such textual configurations. The division of passages into categories was carried out based on the observation of certain thematic isotopies within the narrative, which resulted in the comprehension of the discursive level of the sense-generating route through three different thematic categories: space as a result of social inequalities; the relation between space and urban violence; and, finally, public space as a facilitator of social interactions. Elements that conceive textual coherence in the narrative were also observed, and how these resources act as a vehicle to create the impression of reality. Finally, the tensive model of the speech was studied by assimilating the correlation between intensity and extensiveness. Thus, considering the apprehension of the generative path of meaning, with an emphasis on constitutive processes of the discursive level, and the tension linked to the excerpts that connote the fictional space of Capão Pecado, this work aims to be a contribution to the understanding of contemporary literary discourses through discursive semiotics, in order to discuss it prioritizing procedures inherent to literary and spatial semiotics.
Through the discursive semiotics, this study aims to analyze and understand the discursive strategies used in the descriptions of space in the novel Capão Pecado, written by the author Ferréz. The verified excerpts were selected due to their relevance when given the spatiality of the narrative, as well as elements related to the meanings reached through their respective discursive organizations. The processes related to the discursive semantics and syntax of the text analyzed were highlighted, in which aspects such as anchoring in person, time and space, thematization, figurativization were examined, based on their shiftings. The analysis of such elements takes place in the understanding of the meaning effects produced through such textual configurations. The division of passages into categories was carried out based on the observation of certain thematic isotopies within the narrative, which resulted in the comprehension of the discursive level of the sense-generating route through three different thematic categories: space as a result of social inequalities; the relation between space and urban violence; and, finally, public space as a facilitator of social interactions. Elements that conceive textual coherence in the narrative were also observed, and how these resources act as a vehicle to create the impression of reality. Finally, the tensive model of the speech was studied by assimilating the correlation between intensity and extensiveness. Thus, considering the apprehension of the generative path of meaning, with an emphasis on constitutive processes of the discursive level, and the tension linked to the excerpts that connote the fictional space of Capão Pecado, this work aims to be a contribution to the understanding of contemporary literary discourses through discursive semiotics, in order to discuss it prioritizing procedures inherent to literary and spatial semiotics.
Trabalho aprovado com o conceito EXCELENTE.
periferia , semiótica , espaço urbano , violência