Fatores educacionais e psicossociais associados a indicadores de deficiências de crianças/adolescentes de quatro municípios brasileiros
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Zaqueu, Livia da Conceição Costa
Paula, Cristiane Silvestre de
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Membros da banca
Teixeira, Maria Cristina Triguero Veloz
Brunoni, Decio
Franco, Vitor Daniel Ferreira
Arita, Fernando Norio
Brunoni, Decio
Franco, Vitor Daniel Ferreira
Arita, Fernando Norio
Distúrbios do Desenvolvimento
This thesis aimed to: (1) To estimate the risk indicators of rate of disability and according to four types (intellectual, visual, motor and auditory) in a sample of school children 6 to 16 years in four cities from four regions of Brazil; (2) Know educational and psychosocial factors of the same sample of children and adolescents associated with the four types of disability risk indicators. The method consists of cross-sectional study. The following instruments were used: Ten Questions Questionnaire consisting of 10 questions to detect disability indicators; sociodemographic questionnaire; Academic Performance Test; Kiddie-Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia-Present and Lifetime (K-SADS) for psychiatric diagnosis. Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC III) to assess the intellectual capacity of children. The prevalence of disability indicators was 41.4% (N=694). The highest percentage was of intellectual disabilities (24.8%), followed by visual (15.1%). Logistic regression revealed statistically significant associations between: (1) visual disability and depression (p=0.006) and academic performance (p=0.030); (2) hearing disability and physical punishment (p = 0.003); (3) intellectual disability and anxiety (p = 0.002), depression (p = 0.007), attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity (p<0.001), repetition (p<0.001) and academic performance (p<0.001); (4) motor and academic performance (p=0.032). We concluded that different psychosocial and educational factors were associated with different indicators of disabilities, thus requiring specific interventions and specialized educational care for the specific needs presented by children/adolescents, both in educational and mental health spheres.
deficiência , prevalência , criança , adolescente , estudos transversais
Assuntos Scopus
ZAQUEU, Livia da Conceição Costa. Fatores educacionais e psicossociais associados a indicadores de deficiências de crianças/adolescentes de quatro municípios brasileiros. 2015. 129 f. Tese (Distúrbios do Desenvolvimento) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.