Visual law como forma de acesso à justiça
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Amorim, Julia Ramalho
Mariano Júnior, Raul
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Um dos obstáculos enfrentados pelo Poder Judiciário no tocante ao acesso à justiça
é a linguagem dificultosa exercida pelo Poder Judiciário, que pode ser vista até mesmo
como o uso doloso de tal comunicação perante os indivíduos que acessam o sistema
judiciário em busca de tutelar seus direitos. Assim, para que o sistema se torne efetivo
é necessário haver a implementação de métodos inovadores que permitam o
cumprimento das garantias constitucionais, como o acesso à justiça e à informação.
É cristalino que, ao constituir um Estado Democrático de Direito, torna-se evidente a
manutenção de tais princípios constitucionais por parte do poder estatal para a
garantia do acesso à justiça e efetividade jurisdicional. No Brasil, de acordo com a
Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios Contínua (PNAD Contínua), em 2019,
a taxa de analfabetismo de pessoas com 15 anos ou mais foi calculada em torno de
6,6%, ou seja, em média, 11 milhões de analfabetos. Com este dado, torna-se
imperioso destacar a necessidade de serem criados métodos alternativos de acesso
à justiça e eficiência do Poder Estatal enquanto ente tutelador de direitos
fundamentais, já que, segundo o relatório de pesquisa "Justiça em Números", do
Conselho Nacional de Justiça (CNJ), a relação de procura pelos serviços da Justiça,
em 2018, foi a de que, a cada 100 mil habitantes, 11.796 ingressaram com uma ação
judicial, sendo que os conflitos consumeristas e trabalhistas são os líderes em
ajuizamento de ações pelos brasileiros. Além disto, destaca-se a necessidade de
estudar o acesso à justiça, princípio constitucional previsto no artigo 5º, inciso XXXV,
da CRFB/88, necessário à sua concretude em um sistema jurídico-social moderno,
igualitário e eficiente. Os indivíduos mais carentes de recursos financeiros têm acesso
à justiça de forma demasiadamente precária, o que torna difícil a contratação de bons
advogados e advogadas. Além disso, a assistência judiciária gratuita tornou-se
deficitária. Institucionaliza-se, neste sentido, as defensorias públicas, incumbidas de
prestar orientação jurídica e defesa a todos os indivíduos. No entanto, não basta,
exclusivamente, a institucionalização das defensorias públicas como forma plena de
acesso à justiça. É preciso remanejar a forma como se dá a comunicação dos atos
processuais, bem como a eficácia dos contratos privados no âmbito do sistema
jurídico moderno. Neste sentido surge o Visual Law, como forma de repensar a
comunicação jurídica de uma forma geral, com o uso de elementos gráficos do Legal
Design para tornar os atos do Poder Judiciário, de uma forma geral, mais acessível e,
com isso, atingir a eficiência da jurisdição. O Visual Law é uma das subáreas do Legal
Design, cuja função é a busca por tornar a informação mais compreensível, clara e
acessível para o leigo. Essa vertente inovadora do Direito utiliza técnicas variadas,
como o uso de infográficos, vídeos, fluxogramas, entre outros recursos gráficos que
tornem a comunicação jurídica mais fluida e compreensível. Assim, o intuito principal
deste trabalho é a análise de como os métodos do Visual Law e do Legal Design
podem contribuir para um sistema judiciário mais usual, acessível e compreensível,
cujo intuito é tornar o acesso à justiça mais igualitário e a jurisdição mais eficiente.
One of the obstacles faced by the Judiciary regarding access to justice is the difficult language exercised by the Judiciary, which can even be seen as the malicious use of such communication before individuals who access the judicial system in search of protecting their rights. Thus, for the system to become effective, it is necessary to implement innovative methods that allow compliance with constitutional guarantees, such as access to justice and information. It is clear that, by constituting a Democratic State of Law, the maintenance of such constitutional principles by the state power to guarantee access to justice and jurisdictional effectiveness becomes evident. In Brazil, according to the Continuous National Household Sample Survey (PNAD), in 2019, the illiteracy rate of people aged 15 and over was calculated at around 6.6%, that is, on average, 11 millions of illiterates. With this data, it is imperative to highlight the need to create alternative methods of access to justice and efficiency of the State Power as a guardian of fundamental rights, since, according to the research report "Justice in Numbers", by the National Council of Justice (CNJ), the demand for Justice services in 2018 was that, for every 100,000 inhabitants, 11,796 filed a lawsuit, with consumer and labor disputes being the leaders in filing lawsuits by the Brazilians. In addition, there is a need to study access to justice, a constitutional principle provided for in article 5, item XXXV, of CRFB/88, necessary for its concreteness in a modern, egalitarian and efficient legal-social system. The poorest individuals have access to justice in a very precarious way, which makes it difficult to hire good lawyers. In addition, free legal aid has become deficient. In this sense, public defenders' offices are institutionalized, responsible for providing legal guidance and defense to all individuals. However, the institutionalization of public defenders' offices as a full form of access to justice is not enough. It is necessary to reorganize the way in which procedural acts are communicated, as well as the effectiveness of private contracts within the scope of the modern legal system. In this sense, Visual Law appears as a way of rethinking legal communication in general, with the use of graphic elements of Legal Design to make the acts of the Judiciary, in general, more accessible and, with that, reach the jurisdiction efficiency. Visual Law is one of the sub-areas of Legal Design, whose function is to make information more understandable, clear and accessible to the layperson. This innovative aspect of Law uses various techniques, such as the use of infographics, videos, flowcharts, among other graphic resources that make legal communication more fluid and understandable. Thus, the main purpose of this work is to analyze how Visual Law and Legal Design methods can contribute to a more usual, accessible and understandable judicial system, whose purpose is to make access to justice more equitable and jurisdiction more efficient.
One of the obstacles faced by the Judiciary regarding access to justice is the difficult language exercised by the Judiciary, which can even be seen as the malicious use of such communication before individuals who access the judicial system in search of protecting their rights. Thus, for the system to become effective, it is necessary to implement innovative methods that allow compliance with constitutional guarantees, such as access to justice and information. It is clear that, by constituting a Democratic State of Law, the maintenance of such constitutional principles by the state power to guarantee access to justice and jurisdictional effectiveness becomes evident. In Brazil, according to the Continuous National Household Sample Survey (PNAD), in 2019, the illiteracy rate of people aged 15 and over was calculated at around 6.6%, that is, on average, 11 millions of illiterates. With this data, it is imperative to highlight the need to create alternative methods of access to justice and efficiency of the State Power as a guardian of fundamental rights, since, according to the research report "Justice in Numbers", by the National Council of Justice (CNJ), the demand for Justice services in 2018 was that, for every 100,000 inhabitants, 11,796 filed a lawsuit, with consumer and labor disputes being the leaders in filing lawsuits by the Brazilians. In addition, there is a need to study access to justice, a constitutional principle provided for in article 5, item XXXV, of CRFB/88, necessary for its concreteness in a modern, egalitarian and efficient legal-social system. The poorest individuals have access to justice in a very precarious way, which makes it difficult to hire good lawyers. In addition, free legal aid has become deficient. In this sense, public defenders' offices are institutionalized, responsible for providing legal guidance and defense to all individuals. However, the institutionalization of public defenders' offices as a full form of access to justice is not enough. It is necessary to reorganize the way in which procedural acts are communicated, as well as the effectiveness of private contracts within the scope of the modern legal system. In this sense, Visual Law appears as a way of rethinking legal communication in general, with the use of graphic elements of Legal Design to make the acts of the Judiciary, in general, more accessible and, with that, reach the jurisdiction efficiency. Visual Law is one of the sub-areas of Legal Design, whose function is to make information more understandable, clear and accessible to the layperson. This innovative aspect of Law uses various techniques, such as the use of infographics, videos, flowcharts, among other graphic resources that make legal communication more fluid and understandable. Thus, the main purpose of this work is to analyze how Visual Law and Legal Design methods can contribute to a more usual, accessible and understandable judicial system, whose purpose is to make access to justice more equitable and jurisdiction more efficient.
direito constitucional , legal design , processo civil contemporâneo , tecnologia , visual law , constitutional law , legal design , contemporary civil procedure , technology , visual law