Pedreira: um território educador em transformação
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Terrão, Susane Henrique
Herling, Tereza Beatriz Ribeiro
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O presente Trabalho Final de Graduação objetivou investigar a potencialidade de uma parte do distrito de Pedreira como um território educador. Em colaboração com Isadora Malheiros, a pesquisa buscou compreender o território por meio da coleta de dados e da escuta participativa dos moradores locais, visando propor uma intervenção urbana que refletisse os desejos e necessidades da comunidade.
A investigação ocorreu através do reconhecimento do território e a coleta de dados sobre sua urbanização, destacando elementos importantes como a Represa Billings, o Parque dos Búfalos e o Residencial Espanha. Além disso, foi crucial obter a perspectiva dos moradores por meio de atividades na EMEF Paulo Gonçalo dos Santos e entrevistas, juntamente com a análise de fontes diversas. O trabalho também explorou a relação entre educação e território, abordando as dimensões formal, não formal e informal da educação, assim como a ideia de educação popular, que valoriza os saberes locais e busca a transformação social.
O trabalho apresentou propostas projetuais, incluindo a articulação do Território Educador na escala urbana, através do Plano de Ocupação do Parque dos Búfalos - Setor Oeste. Também foi proposto um Centro Educacional como um importante equipamento para a integração entre o meio urbano e o parque, visando servir à população em geral e auxiliar as escolas no contraturno.
Em suma, o trabalho investigou o território educador da Pedreira, explorou a relação entre educação e território, e apresentou propostas projetuais em escalas urbana e local, buscando contribuir para a transformação da realidade local através do diálogo e da participação comunitária.
educational territory. In collaboration with Isadora Malheiros, the research sought to understand the territory through data collection and participatory listening of local residents, aiming to propose an urban intervention that reflected the desires and needs of the community. The investigation took place through the recognition of the territory and data collection on its urbanization, highlighting important elements such as the Billings Reservoir, the Buffalo Park, and the Spain Residential area. Additionally, it was crucial to obtain the perspective of residents through activities at EMEF Paulo Gonçalo dos Santos and interviews, along with analysis of various sources. The work also explored the relationship between education and territory, addressing the formal, non-formal, and informal dimensions of education, as well as the idea of popular education, which values local knowledge and seeks social transformation. The work presented design proposals, including the articulation of the Educational Territory on an urban scale, through the Buffalo Park Occupation Plan - West Sector. Also proposed was an Educational Center as an important facility for integration between the urban environment and the park, aiming to serve the general population and assist schools during off-hours. In summary, the work investigated the educational territory of Pedreira, explored the relationship between education and territory, and presented design proposals on urban and local scales, seeking to contribute to the transformation of the local reality through dialogue and community participation.
educational territory. In collaboration with Isadora Malheiros, the research sought to understand the territory through data collection and participatory listening of local residents, aiming to propose an urban intervention that reflected the desires and needs of the community. The investigation took place through the recognition of the territory and data collection on its urbanization, highlighting important elements such as the Billings Reservoir, the Buffalo Park, and the Spain Residential area. Additionally, it was crucial to obtain the perspective of residents through activities at EMEF Paulo Gonçalo dos Santos and interviews, along with analysis of various sources. The work also explored the relationship between education and territory, addressing the formal, non-formal, and informal dimensions of education, as well as the idea of popular education, which values local knowledge and seeks social transformation. The work presented design proposals, including the articulation of the Educational Territory on an urban scale, through the Buffalo Park Occupation Plan - West Sector. Also proposed was an Educational Center as an important facility for integration between the urban environment and the park, aiming to serve the general population and assist schools during off-hours. In summary, the work investigated the educational territory of Pedreira, explored the relationship between education and territory, and presented design proposals on urban and local scales, seeking to contribute to the transformation of the local reality through dialogue and community participation.
território educador , educação popular , intervenção urbana , participação comunitária , educational territory , popular education , urban intervention , community participation