Relatório para elaboração da reportagem transmídia “fanfiqueiras: a representatividade feminina na autoria de fanfics”
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Oliveira, Mariana Rodrigues de
Paiero, Denise Cristine
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Esta é uma pesquisa utilizada como base para a produção de uma reportagem
transmídia sobre a representatividade feminina na autoria de fanfics com a intenção
de mostrar a relevância de histórias produzidas por escritoras amadores e como esse
conteúdo contribui para a inserção da mulher no universo literário. A pesquisa foi feita
com base em estudos sobre a produção e consumo de fanfics e a relação dos fãs com
esse gênero. Foram consultados autores como Anne Jamison e Henry Jenkins de
modo a compreender melhor o assunto e a criação de conteúdo transmidiático com
linguagem jornalística para internet. Para a produção do produto foram realizadas
entrevistas com leitoras e escritoras de fanfics e especialistas em representatividade
feminina no universo literário que, posteriormente, resultaram em uma reportagem
transmídia sobre a produção desse gênero e como ele contribui para a visibilidade de
obras escritas por mulheres. Além disso, também foram feitos perfis em redes sociais
como forma de propagar esse conteúdo em outras mídias e complementar a
reportagem. Com esse trabalho, foi possível compreender como elaborar um texto
transmídia, além de se aprofundar na temática das fanfics de forma a levar essa
perspectiva sobre o assunto para o público em geral.
This is a research used as a basis for the production of a transmedia report about female representation in the authorship of fanfictions with the intention of showing the relevance of stories produced by female amateur writers and how this 8ther8te contributes to the insertion of women in the literary universe. The research was based on studies about the production and consumption of fanfictions and the relationship of fans with this genre. Authors like Anne Jamison and Henry Jenkins were consulted in order to better understand the subject and the creation of transmedia content with journalistic language for the internet. For the production of the product, interviews were conducted with female readers and writers of fanfictions and specialists in female representation in the literary universe that, later, resulted in a transmedia reportage about the production of this genre and how it contributes to the visibility of books written by women. In addition, profiles were also made on social networks as a way of propagating this content in other media and complementing the report. With this report, it was possible to understand how to prepare a transmedia text, in addition to deepening the theme of fanfics in order to take this perspective on the subject to the general public.
This is a research used as a basis for the production of a transmedia report about female representation in the authorship of fanfictions with the intention of showing the relevance of stories produced by female amateur writers and how this 8ther8te contributes to the insertion of women in the literary universe. The research was based on studies about the production and consumption of fanfictions and the relationship of fans with this genre. Authors like Anne Jamison and Henry Jenkins were consulted in order to better understand the subject and the creation of transmedia content with journalistic language for the internet. For the production of the product, interviews were conducted with female readers and writers of fanfictions and specialists in female representation in the literary universe that, later, resulted in a transmedia reportage about the production of this genre and how it contributes to the visibility of books written by women. In addition, profiles were also made on social networks as a way of propagating this content in other media and complementing the report. With this report, it was possible to understand how to prepare a transmedia text, in addition to deepening the theme of fanfics in order to take this perspective on the subject to the general public.
Acesso online;
fanfics , representatividade feminina , literatura , fãs , transmídia , jornalismo , fanfictions , female representation , literature , fans , transmedia , journalism